Beginner's Guide to Code Algorithms: Experiments to Enhance Productivity and Solve Problems

Maitra, Deepankar



Do you have creative ideas that you wish you could transform into code?

Do you want to boost your problem solving and logic skills?

Do you want to enhance your career by adopting an algorithmic mindset?

In our increasingly digital world, coding is an essential skill. Communicating an algorithm to a machine to perform a set of tasks is vital. Beginner’s Guide to Code Algorithms: Experiments to Enhance Productivity and Solve Problems written by Deepankar Maitra teaches you how to think like a programmer. The author unravels the secret behind writing code – building a good algorithm. Algorithmic thinking leads to asking the right question and enables a shift from issue resolution to value creation. Having this mindset will make you more marketable to employers.

This book takes you on a problem-solving journey to expand your mind and increase your willingness to experiment with code.

You will:

  • Learn the art of building an algorithm through hands-on exercises
  • Understand how to develop code for inspiring productivity concepts
  • Build a mentality of developing algorithms to solve problems
  • Develop, test, review, and improve code through guided experimentation

This book is designed to develop a culture of logical thinking through intellectual stimulation. It will benefit students and teachers of programming, business professionals, as well as experienced users of Microsoft Excel who wish to become proficient with macros.



在我們日益數位化的世界中,編程是一項必不可少的技能。將一個演算法傳達給機器以執行一系列任務是至關重要的。《初學者指南:代碼演算法實驗,提升生產力和解決問題》是由Deepankar Maitra撰寫的,教你如何像一個程序員一樣思考。作者揭示了寫代碼的秘訣 - 建立一個良好的演算法。演算法思維能夠引導你提出正確的問題,並實現從解決問題到創造價值的轉變。擁有這種思維方式將使你在就業市場上更具競爭力。



- 通過實踐練習學習構建演算法的藝術
- 理解如何為激發生產力的概念開發代碼
- 培養開發演算法解決問題的心態
- 通過引導實驗來開發、測試、審查和改進代碼



Deepankar Maitra is a sought-after information systems consultant. He has led the development and implementation of business software for over 30 years. As a strategic advisor for enterprises, he has been extensively involved in reducing risk, increasing efficiency, and improving the user experience through automation. From airlines to retail, fashion to entertainment, he has managed projects that cover five continents in a wide variety of industries. A coach and a mentor to the new generation of consultants, he has authored papers and presented in several international conferences. A Valedictorian and a National Talent Scholar, Deepankar graduated from the reputed Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). He currently lives in the U.S. and is an executive in a leading international consulting firm.


Deepankar Maitra 是一位備受追捧的資訊系統顧問。他在商業軟體的開發和實施方面擁有超過30年的經驗。作為企業的戰略顧問,他積極參與自動化項目,以降低風險、提高效率和改善用戶體驗。從航空公司到零售、時尚到娛樂,他管理的項目涵蓋了五大洲的各種行業。作為新一代顧問的教練和導師,他撰寫了論文並在多個國際會議上發表演講。Deepankar 是印度理工學院(IIT)的優等生和國家人才獎學金得主。他目前居住在美國,是一家領先的國際顧問公司的高級主管。