Design and Analysis of Functionally Graded Adhesively Bonded Joints of FRP Composites
暫譯: 功能梯度FRP複合材料黏合接頭的設計與分析

Panigrahi, Sashi Kanta, Nimje, Sunil V.

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-09
  • 售價: $2,400
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,280
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 120
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1032061898
  • ISBN-13: 9781032061894
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



This book provides up-to-date information relevant to analysis and design of adhesively bonded joints made up Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites using Functionally Graded Adhesive (FGA). Damage behaviours have been addressed and joint configurations have been modelled using special finite elements including 3D finite element analyses.


本書提供有關使用功能梯度膠合劑(Functionally Graded Adhesive, FGA)製作的纖維增強聚合物(Fibre Reinforced Polymer, FRP)複合材料的粘接接頭分析與設計的最新資訊。書中探討了損傷行為,並使用特殊有限元素對接頭配置進行建模,包括三維有限元素分析。


Sunil V. Nimje is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed To be University), Pune India. He obtained his B.E. degree in mechanical engineering from Nagpur University India in 2000. He received M.Tech degree in Mechanical System Design from IIT, Kharagpur in 2009 and Ph.D in 2016 from DIAT, Pune. He has been a Scientist for Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) during 2002-2009. At DRDO, he was associated with design and development of fuzes and safety arming mechanisms for various sub munitions. He has also been an Engineer at G.E India Technology Centre, Bangalore (2010). He joined the faculty of Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (2010). His teaching areas include composite structures and Fatigue, fracture and failure analysis. His research areas are functionally graded structures, adhesively bonded joints, damages in FRP composite structures, and composite patch repair for damaged metallic/composite structures. He is a life member of Indian society for theoretical and applied mechanics. He has written more than 35 papers in international journals and conferences. His research has been funded by Aeronautics Research and Development Board (ARDB).

Sashi Kanta Panigrahi (PhD, IIT Kharagpur) is working as Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), Pune and heading the Department at present for the second term. He has worked as an International Visiting Academic with University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy (UNSW@ADFA). He has more than 28 years of wide and intensive teaching, research, training and administrative experience. His research works primarily in the areas of Analysis and Design of composite materials, Characterization of FRP composite materials, Finite Element Analysis of FRP composite materials and composite structures, Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite (NFRC) materials, Fracture Mechanics principle applicable to modelling and simulation of damages in orthotropic and isotropic materials and material characterization/Stress analysis/Solid Mechanics/Machine design. He has been working on the development of advanced finite element methods and nonlinear finite element analyses and modelling of engineering structures with functionally graded/monolithic adhesively bonded joints. He has published over 210 research articles in peer-reviewed scholarly research papers International Journals/Conferences including five books, one monograph and many conference proceedings including a series of lecture materials. He has been awarded with "BHARAT JYOTI" in the year 2012 and conferred as Fellow of different professional bodies which includes Institution of Engineers, Indian Society for Mechanical Engineering (ISME). He is a member of many International/National professional bodies and has been a frequent reviewer for many leading peer reviewed International journals of high standards. He has also served as Technical committee member or advisory board member for several National/International conferences.


Sunil V. Nimje 是印度浦那國防高等技術研究所(Deemed To be University)的機械工程助理教授。他於2000年在印度納格浦大學獲得機械工程學士學位,並於2009年在印度理工學院卡哈拉古爾獲得機械系統設計碩士學位,2016年在浦那的DIAT獲得博士學位。他曾於2002年至2009年間擔任國防研究與發展組織(DRDO)的科學家。在DRDO,他參與了各種子彈的引信和安全啟動機制的設計與開發。他還曾在印度通用電氣技術中心(G.E India Technology Centre)擔任工程師(2010年)。他於2010年加入國防高等技術研究所的教職,教授的領域包括複合材料結構以及疲勞、斷裂和失效分析。他的研究領域包括功能梯度結構、粘合接頭、FRP複合材料結構中的損傷,以及對受損金屬/複合材料結構的複合材料修補。他是印度理論與應用力學學會的終身會員,並在國際期刊和會議上發表了超過35篇論文。他的研究得到了航空研究與發展委員會(ARDB)的資助。

Sashi Kanta Panigrahi(博士,印度理工學院卡哈拉古爾)目前擔任國防高等技術研究所(DIAT)機械工程系的教授,並在第二任期內擔任系主任。他曾作為國際訪問學者在新南威爾士大學的澳大利亞國防軍學院(UNSW@ADFA)工作。他擁有超過28年的廣泛且深入的教學、研究、培訓和行政經驗。他的研究主要集中在複合材料的分析與設計、FRP複合材料的特性、FRP複合材料和複合結構的有限元素分析、天然纖維增強複合材料(NFRC)、適用於建模和模擬各向異性和各向同性材料損傷的斷裂力學原理,以及材料特性/應力分析/固體力學/機械設計。他一直致力於先進有限元素方法的開發以及功能梯度/單體粘合接頭的非線性有限元素分析和工程結構建模。他在同行評審的學術期刊和會議上發表了超過210篇研究文章,包括五本書籍、一部專著和多個會議論文集,以及一系列講座材料。他於2012年獲得“BHARAT JYOTI”獎,並被授予多個專業機構的院士,包括工程師學會和印度機械工程學會(ISME)。他是多個國際/國內專業機構的成員,並且經常擔任多個高標準的國際同行評審期刊的審稿人。他還曾擔任多個國家/國際會議的技術委員會成員或顧問委員會成員。