Swarm Intelligence and Deep Evolution: Evolutionary Approach to Artificial Intelligence

Iba, Hitoshi


The book provides theoretical and practical knowledge about swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation. It describes the emerging approach to deep learning that integrates swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation with deep learning.




Hitoshi Iba is a Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo. From 1990 to 1998, he was a senior researcher at the Electro Technical Laboratory (ETL) in Ibaraki, Japan. He is a founding associate editor of the Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (GPEM) and was a founding associate editor of IEEE transactions on Evolutionary Computation. He has published more than one hundred papers and is also a (co-)author of more than ten books. He is also an underwater naturalist and experienced PADI divemaster having completed more than a thousand dives.


Hitoshi Iba是東京大學資訊科學與技術研究所的教授。從1990年到1998年,他在日本茨城的電氣技術研究所(ETL)擔任高級研究員。他是《遺傳編程與可演化機器》(GPEM)期刊的創始副編輯,也是《IEEE演化計算交易》的創始副編輯。他發表了一百多篇論文,並且是十多本書的(合著)作者。他還是一位水下生態學家和有豐富經驗的PADI潛水教練,已完成超過一千次潛水。