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This book is written as a textbook on Internet of Things for educational programs at colleges and universities, and also for IoT vendors and service providers who may be interested in offering a broader perspective of Internet of Things to accompany their own customer and developer training programs. The typical reader is expected to have completed a couple of courses in programming using traditional high-level languages at the college-level, and is either a senior or a beginning graduate student in one of the science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields. Like our companion book on Cloud Computing, we have tried to write a comprehensive book that transfers knowledge through an immersive "hands on" approach, where the reader is provided the necessary guidance and knowledge to develop working code for real-world IoT applications.
Additional support is available at the book's website: www.internet-of-things-book.com
The book is organized into 3 main parts, comprising of a total of 11 chapters. Part I covers the building blocks of Internet of Things (IoTs) and their characteristics. A taxonomy of IoT systems is proposed comprising of various IoT levels with increasing levels of complexity. Domain specific Internet of Things and their real-world applications are described. A generic design methodology for IoT is proposed. An IoT system management approach using NETCONF-YANG is described. Part II introduces the reader to the programming aspects of Internet of Things with a view towards rapid prototyping of complex IoT applications. We chose Python as the primary programming language for this book, and an introduction to Python is also included within the text to bring readers to a common level of expertise. We describe packages, frameworks and cloud services including the WAMP-AutoBahn, Xively cloud and Amazon Web Services which can be used for developing IoT systems. We chose the Raspberry Pi device for the examples in this book. Reference architectures for different levels of IoT applications are examined in detail. Case studies with complete source code for various IoT domains including home automation, smart environment, smart cities, logistics, retail, smart energy, smart agriculture, industrial control and smart health, are described. Part III introduces the reader to advanced topics on IoT including IoT data analytics and Tools for IoT. Case studies on collecting and analyzing data generated by Internet of Things in the cloud are described.
物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)是指具有獨特身份的實體和虛擬物件,這些物件連接到互聯網,以促進智能應用,使能源、物流、工業控制、零售、農業及許多其他領域變得「更智能」。物聯網是一場互聯網的新革命,正迅速因感測器網絡、行動裝置、無線通信、網絡和雲技術的進步而獲得動力。專家預測到2020年,將會有總共500億個設備/物件連接到互聯網。
本書分為三個主要部分,共包含11章。第一部分涵蓋物聯網(IoT)的基本構件及其特性。提出了一種物聯網系統的分類法,包含不同層級的物聯網,並隨著複雜度的增加而變化。描述了特定領域的物聯網及其實際應用。提出了一種物聯網的通用設計方法論。描述了一種使用NETCONF-YANG的物聯網系統管理方法。第二部分向讀者介紹物聯網的程式設計方面,旨在快速原型開發複雜的物聯網應用程式。我們選擇Python作為本書的主要程式語言,並在文本中包含了Python的介紹,以使讀者達到共同的專業水平。我們描述了包括WAMP-AutoBahn、Xively雲和Amazon Web Services在內的套件、框架和雲服務,這些都可以用於開發物聯網系統。我們選擇了Raspberry Pi設備作為本書中的範例。詳細檢視了不同層級的物聯網應用的參考架構。描述了包括家庭自動化、智能環境、智慧城市、物流、零售、智能能源、智能農業、工業控制和智能健康等各種物聯網領域的完整源代碼案例研究。第三部分向讀者介紹物聯網的進階主題,包括物聯網數據分析和物聯網工具。描述了在雲中收集和分析物聯網生成的數據的案例研究。