Get a Jump Start on the up and coming UX design and prototyping power tool, Experience Design!
Experience Design CC (also known as XD) is a brand new design tool from Adobe. With a clean, uncluttered UI and a raft of powerful features--such as live preview, Repeat Grids, artboards, symbols and collaboration tools--XD is designed from the ground up to streamline the UX design process. It makes creating interactive, sharable prototypes a snap!
This book provides a rapid and practical introduction to using Adobe XD for UX design and prototyping. You'll:
- Get to grips with XD's clean UI and efficient keyboard shortcuts
- Use XD' powerful tools, such as repeat grid and symbols, to rapidly create wireframes and prototypes
- Create interactive prototypes with ease
- Collaborate with stakeholders using built-in sharing and feedback tools
- And more!
開始掌握即將崛起的 UX 設計與原型製作強大工具——Experience Design!
Experience Design CC(也稱為 XD)是 Adobe 推出的一款全新設計工具。XD 擁有乾淨、簡潔的使用者介面以及一系列強大的功能,例如即時預覽、重複網格、畫板、符號和協作工具,旨在從根本上簡化 UX 設計流程。它使得創建互動式、可分享的原型變得輕而易舉!
本書提供了使用 Adobe XD 進行 UX 設計和原型製作的快速且實用的介紹。您將會:
- 熟悉 XD 的乾淨使用者介面和高效的鍵盤快捷鍵
- 使用 XD 的強大工具,如重複網格和符號,快速創建線框和原型
- 輕鬆創建互動式原型
- 使用內建的分享和反饋工具與利益相關者協作
- 還有更多!