Raspberry Pi Assembly Language RISC OS Beginners (Paperback)
暫譯: 樹莓派組合語言 RISC OS 初學者指南 (平裝本)

Bruce Smith

  • 出版商: CreateSpace Independ
  • 出版日期: 2014-02-06
  • 售價: $1,080
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,026
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 290
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0992391628
  • ISBN-13: 9780992391621
  • 相關分類: Raspberry PiAssembly
  • 無法訂購



This is a Hands-On-Guide to learning to program ARM assembly language on the Raspberry Pi using the RISC OS operating system. It is perfect for the novice with no prior knowledge of assembly language. It starts from first principles and leads you through new concepts using a modular approach with clear, lucid descriptions. Gradually progressing onto more complex topics you will become an accomplished and confident programmer by following the examples and applying them yourself. The book shows how to use the inbuilt BBC BASIC Assembler to create and generate machine code and includes examples that demonstrate how to integrate the flexibility of BASIC into your assembler. Later chapters introduce the industry standard (and free) GCC Compiler and demonstrate how to create machine code and use its features. From learning binary numbers, through to the use of logical instructions, this book continues right through to the use of floating point arithmetic, Thumb code and how to turn LEDs on and off using the GPIO interface. There is also a section of how to disassemble C programs to generate your own assembly language files. This book was originally published under the title Raspberry Pi Assembly Language Beginners. It has been significantly revised and updated and renamed so as to distinguish it from its sister volume Raspberry Pi Assembly Language RASPBIAN Beginners. More details can be found at the author’s website: www.brucesmith.info


這是一本針對在 Raspberry Pi 上使用 RISC OS 作業系統學習 ARM 組合語言的實作指南。它非常適合對組合語言沒有任何先前知識的初學者。書中從基本原則開始,並透過模組化的方法引導您了解新概念,提供清晰易懂的描述。隨著逐步進入更複雜的主題,您將透過跟隨範例並自行應用,成為一位熟練且自信的程式設計師。本書展示了如何使用內建的 BBC BASIC 組合器來創建和生成機器碼,並包含示範如何將 BASIC 的靈活性整合到您的組合器中的範例。後面的章節介紹了行業標準(且免費的)GCC 編譯器,並演示如何創建機器碼及使用其功能。從學習二進位數字到使用邏輯指令,本書持續深入到浮點運算、Thumb 代碼以及如何使用 GPIO 介面開關 LED 的應用。書中還有一個部分介紹如何反組譯 C 程式以生成自己的組合語言檔案。本書最初以《Raspberry Pi Assembly Language Beginners》為題出版,經過重大修訂和更新後重新命名,以便與其姊妹書《Raspberry Pi Assembly Language RASPBIAN Beginners》區分開來。更多詳細資訊可以在作者的網站找到:www.brucesmith.info