Jump Start Rails provides you with a fun and yet practical introduction to Rails, an incredibly popular framework that makes it possible to quickly develop incredibly powerful web applications with Ruby. This short book covers Rails 4, the latest version of the framework, and while it's not intended to be a completely comprehensive Rails guide or an in-depth Ruby tutorial, it will quickly get you up to speed with Rails and give you the confidence to start experimenting on your own.
The book is built around a real-life example project: a personal portfolio site. It's a fun and easily understandable project that is used to demonstrate the concepts outlined in the book in a practical way.
This is a clear, approachable and very easy-to-follow book that will get you to to speed with Rails in no time.
《Jump Start Rails》為您提供了一個有趣且實用的 Rails 介紹,Rails 是一個極受歡迎的框架,使得使用 Ruby 快速開發強大的網頁應用程式成為可能。這本短小的書籍涵蓋了 Rails 4,這是該框架的最新版本,雖然它並不打算成為一個完全綜合的 Rails 指南或深入的 Ruby 教程,但它將迅速讓您熟悉 Rails,並給您信心開始自行實驗。
這是一本清晰、易於接近且非常容易跟隨的書籍,將讓您迅速掌握 Rails 的使用。