PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 5/e (Paperback) (PHP 與 MySQL:從新手到高手,第五版)

Kevin Yank




PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja is a practical hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles and techniques needed to build a fully-functional database-driven web site using PHP & MySQL.

This book covers everything from installing PHP & MySQL under Windows, Linux, and Mac through to building a live web-based content management system.

While this is essentially a beginner's book, it also covers more advanced topics such as the storage of binary data in MySQL, and cookies and sessions in PHP. It comes complete with a set of handy reference guides for PHP & MySQL that include:

  • MySQL syntax
  • MySQL functions
  • MysQL column types
  • PHP functions for working with MySQL


《PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja》是一本實用的實作指南,教授使用PHP和MySQL建立完全功能的資料庫驅動網站所需的工具、原則和技巧。



- MySQL語法
- MySQL函數
- MySQL列類型
- 與MySQL一起使用的PHP函數