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jQuery: Novice to Ninja is a compilation of best-practice jQuery solutions to meet the most challenging JavaScript problems. In this question-and-answer book on jQuery, you'll find a cookbook of ready-to-go solutions to help breathe life into your web page.
Topics covered include: - Scrolling, Resizing and Animating Webpage elements - Backgrounds, Slideshows, and Crossfaders - Menus, Tabs, and Panels - Buttons, Fields, and Controls - Lists, Trees, and Tables - Frames, Windows, and Dialogs - Adding interactivity with Ajax - Using the jQuery User Interface Themeroller - Writing your own jQuery plug-ins
All code used to create each solution is available for download and guaranteed to be simple, efficient and cross-browser compatible.
《jQuery: 從新手到高手》是一本匯總了最佳實踐的 jQuery 解決方案,以應對最具挑戰性的 JavaScript 問題。在這本關於 jQuery 的問答書中,您將找到一本烹飪書,其中包含了現成的解決方案,可以為您的網頁注入生命力。
- 滾動、調整大小和動畫網頁元素
- 背景、幻燈片和交叉淡入淡出效果
- 選單、標籤和面板
- 按鈕、欄位和控制項
- 列表、樹狀結構和表格
- 框架、視窗和對話框
- 使用 Ajax 添加互動性
- 使用 jQuery 使用者介面主題生成器
- 撰寫自己的 jQuery 插件