Pragmatic Project Automation: How to Build, Deploy, and Monitor Java Apps (Paperback)

Mike Clark

  • 出版商: Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • 定價: $1,050
  • 售價: 9.5$998
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 176
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0974514039
  • ISBN-13: 9780974514031
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=3)




Forget wizards, you need a slave--someone to do your repetitive, tedious and boring tasks, without complaint and without pay, so you'll have more time to design and write exciting code. Indeed, that's what computers are for. You can enlist your own computer to automate all of your project's repetitive tasks, ranging from individual builds and running unit tests through to full product release, customer deployment, and monitoring the system.

Many teams try to do these tasks by hand. That's usually a really bad idea: people just aren't as good at repetitive tasks as machines. You run the risk of doing it differently the one time it matters, on one machine but not another, or doing it just plain wrong. But the computer can do these tasks for you the same way, time after time, without bothering you. You can transform these labor-intensive, boring and potentially risky chores into automatic, background processes that just work.

In this eagerly anticipated book, you'll find a variety of popular, open-source tools to help automate your project. With this book, you will learn:

  • How to make your build processes accurate, reliable, fast, and easy.
  • How to build complex systems at the touch of a button.
  • How to build, test, and release software automatically, with no human intervention.
  • Technologies and tools available for automation: which to use and when.
  • Tricks and tips from the masters (do you know how to have your cell phone tell you that your build just failed?)

You'll find easy-to-implement recipes to automate your Java project, using the same popular style as the rest of our Jolt Productivity Award-winning Starter Kit books. Armed with plenty of examples and concrete, pragmatic advice, you'll find it's easy to get started and reap the benefits of modern software development. You can begin to enjoy pragmatic, automatic, unattended software production that's reliable and accurate every time.





- 如何使你的構建過程準確、可靠、快速且簡單。
- 如何一鍵構建複雜系統。
- 如何自動構建、測試和發布軟件,無需人工干預。
- 自動化的技術和工具:何時使用哪些工具。
- 大師的技巧和提示(你知道如何讓你的手機告訴你構建失敗了嗎?)

你將找到易於實施的食譜,以同樣受歡迎的風格自動化你的Java項目,就像我們其他獲得Jolt生產力獎的Starter Kit系列書籍一樣。憑藉豐富的示例和具體的實用建議,你會發現很容易入門並享受現代軟件開發的好處。你可以開始享受實用、自動、無人值守的可靠和準確的軟件生產。