"Artificial Intelligence" (AI) a term coined in the 1950s actually dates back as far as 1943. Now very much in the public consciousness, AI research has fallen in and out of favour over the years. Routledge Library Editions: Artificial Intelligence (10 Volumes) brings together as one set, or individual volumes, a small interdisciplinary series of previously out-of-print titles, originally published between 1970 and 1994. Covering ground in computer science, literature, philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy and sociology, this set is a fascinating insight into the development of ideas surrounding AI.
「人工智慧」(AI)這個術語是在1950年代創造的,實際上可以追溯到1943年。如今,人工智慧已經深入人心,AI研究多年來時而受到重視,時而被忽視。《Routledge Library Editions: Artificial Intelligence》(10卷)將一系列小型跨學科的書籍集合在一起,這些書籍原本於1970年至1994年間出版,並且已經絕版。這套書涵蓋了計算機科學、文學、哲學、心理學、心理治療和社會學等領域,為我們提供了對人工智慧相關思想發展的迷人洞見。