CompTIA® Security+ Exam Cram, Fourth Edition, is the perfect study guide to help you pass CompTIA’s newly updated version of the Security+ exam. It provides coverage and practice questions for every exam topic. The book contains a set of 200 questions in two full practice exams. The CD-ROM contains the powerful Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine that provides real-time practice and feedback with all the questions so you can simulate the exam.
Covers the critical information you need to know to score higher on your Security+ exam!
--Categorize types of attacks, threats, and risks to your systems
--Secure devices, communications, and network infrastructure
-- Troubleshoot issues related to networking components
-- Effectively manage risks associated with a global business environment
-- Differentiate between control methods used to secure the physical domain
-- Identify solutions to secure hosts, data, and applications
-- Compare techniques to mitigate risks in static environments
-- Determine relevant access control, authorization, and authentication procedures
-- Select appropriate mitigation techniques in response to attacks and vulnerabilities
-- Apply principles of cryptography and effectively deploy related solutions
--Implement security practices from both a technical and an organizational standpoint
《CompTIA® Security+ 考試備考手冊》第四版是幫助您通過 CompTIA 最新更新版本的 Security+ 考試的完美學習指南。它涵蓋了每個考試主題的內容和練習題。書中包含兩套完整的模擬考試,共 200 道題目。隨書附贈的 CD-ROM 包含強大的 Pearson IT 認證練習測試引擎,提供即時練習和反饋,讓您能夠模擬考試。
涵蓋您需要了解的關鍵資訊,以便在 Security+ 考試中獲得更高分數!
- 分類攻擊、威脅和風險的類型
- 確保設備、通信和網絡基礎設施的安全
- 排除與網絡組件相關的問題
- 有效管理與全球商業環境相關的風險
- 區分用於保護物理領域的控制方法
- 確定保護主機、數據和應用程序的解決方案
- 比較在靜態環境中減輕風險的技術
- 確定相關的訪問控制、授權和身份驗證程序
- 根據攻擊和漏洞選擇適當的緩解技術
- 應用密碼學原則並有效部署相關解決方案
- 從技術和組織的角度實施安全實踐