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CompTIA® Security+ SY0-201 Cert Guide
David L. Prowse
DVD Features Complete Practice Exam
- Master every topic on CompTIA’s new Security+ SY0-201 exam.
- Assess your knowledge and focus your learning.
- Get the practical workplace knowledge you need!
Start-to-finish Security+ SY0-201 preparation from computer security consultant, Security+ trainer, and author David L. Prowse.
Master every Security+ SY0-201 topic!
- Core computer system security concepts
- OS hardening and virtualization
- Application security
- Network design elements and threats
- Perimeter security
- Network media and devices security
- Physical security and authentication models
- Access control methods and models
- Vulnerability and risk assessment
- Monitoring and auditing
- Cryptography, including PKI
- Redundancy and disaster recovery
- Policies, procedures, and people
Test your knowledge, build your confidence, and succeed!
- Two practice exams in the book, and an additional exam on the DVD, help you prepare and assess your readiness
- Packed with visuals to help you learn quickly
- Key topics are highlighted to focus your study
- Exam preparation tasks include a review of key topics, memory table exercises, key terms, hands-on labs, and review questions
DVD Features Complete Practice Exam
- Detailed explanations of both correct and incorrect answers
- Multiple test modes
- Random questions and order of answers
- DVD also features complete video solutions to the Hands-On Labs in the book
Shelving Category: Certification
Covers: CompTIA Security+
CompTIA® Security+ SY0-201 認證指南
David L. Prowse
DVD 特色 完整的練習考試
- 精通 CompTIA 新的 Security+ SY0-201 考試的每個主題。
- 評估您的知識並專注於學習。
- 獲得您所需的實用工作場所知識!
從電腦安全顧問、安全+ 培訓師及作者 David L. Prowse 開始到結束的 Security+ SY0-201 準備。
精通每個 Security+ SY0-201 主題!
- 核心電腦系統安全概念
- 作業系統加固與虛擬化
- 應用程式安全
- 網路設計元素與威脅
- 邊界安全
- 網路媒介與設備安全
- 實體安全與身份驗證模型
- 存取控制方法與模型
- 漏洞與風險評估
- 監控與審計
- 密碼學,包括 PKI
- 冗餘與災難恢復
- 政策、程序與人員
- 書中有兩個練習考試,DVD 上還有額外的考試,幫助您準備並評估您的準備情況
- 充滿視覺資料,幫助您快速學習
- 重要主題被突出顯示,以專注於您的學習
- 考試準備任務包括關鍵主題的回顧、記憶表練習、關鍵術語、實作實驗室和回顧問題
DVD 特色 完整的練習考試
- 對正確和錯誤答案的詳細解釋
- 多種測試模式
- 隨機問題和答案順序
- DVD 還提供書中實作實驗室的完整視頻解決方案
涵蓋範圍:CompTIA Security+