Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows Vista, 2/e
暫譯: 特別版 使用 Microsoft Windows Vista, 第2版
Robert Cowart, Brian Knittel
- 出版商: QUE
- 出版日期: 2008-05-05
- 售價: $2,050
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $1,948
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 1536
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0789737817
- ISBN-13: 9780789737816
$299Professional Joomla!
SPECIAL EDITION Microsoft® Windows Vista® Second Edition
The only Windows Vista book you need
We crafted this book to grow with you, providing the reference material you need as you move toward Vista proficiency and use more advanced features. If you buy only one book on Vista, Special Edition Using Microsoft® Windows Vista®, Second Edition, is the book you need.
• Tired of the constant barrage of spam, spyware, viruses and other ‘Net nasties? We show you how to rebuke the onslaught of hacker attacks, protect your identity, and keep your sanity, all at the same time.
• Is the new Vista interface making your trigger-finger itch? Ours too…that is, until we turned Windows inside out, shook out all the loose parts, and figured out just what makes this beast tick. Learn from our pain and suffering.
• If you finally broke down and purchased a Windows Media Center computer, or if you think you have one and didn’t even know it, you are holding just the book for you. We show you how to get up to speed with your new computer, transforming it from the little PC that could into the media juggernaut, entertainment center, gaming center, and way-better-than-TiVo replacement you never knew it could be.
• Ready to upgrade? We provide from-the-trenches advice on upgrading to Windows Vista. Maybe you to still want to run Windows XP but would like to try Vista for a while to see if you like it. We cover how to dual-boot your computer safely with both operating systems.
Category: Microsoft® Windows Operating System
Covers: Microsoft® Windows Vista®, all versions Windows Vista Service Pack 1
User Level: Beginner–Intermediate
Robert Cowart has written more than 40 books that have sold more than 1 million copies worldwide. He made his name writing for Sybex and Osborne–most notably in the best-selling Mastering Windows series. As an author and media developer for Que, Bob has written numerous Windows titles, including multiple editions of Que’s flagship Windows book, Special Edition Using Microsoft® Windows®.
Brian Knittel is a software developer, consultant, and writer. He’s authored or coauthored many of Que’s best-selling Windows books, including Que’s leading Windows book, Special Edition Using Microsoft® Windows®. Brian also is the author of Windows XP Under the Hood and coauthored Upgrading and Repairing Windows® with Scott Mueller.
On the CD-ROM
More than 80 minutes of how-to video, showing you how to get up to speed with Windows Vista! Bob and Brian show you how the new Vista Welcome Center works, how to personalize and tweak the desktop, how to use the new Windows Explorers, how to manage user accounts and more! Using screen cam videos and voice over, you’ll be able to watch the Windows masters at work, taking the guesswork out of getting up to speed with Vista. It’s like having Bob and Brian sitting next to you while you’re learning how to use Vista!
SPECIAL EDITION Microsoft® Windows Vista® 第二版
您唯一需要的 Windows Vista 書籍
我們編寫這本書是為了與您共同成長,提供您在邁向 Vista 精通和使用更高級功能時所需的參考資料。如果您只打算購買一本有關 Vista 的書籍,那麼《Special Edition Using Microsoft® Windows Vista®,第二版》就是您所需要的書。
• 厭倦了不斷襲來的垃圾郵件、間諜軟體、病毒和其他網路惡性程式嗎?我們將教您如何抵禦駭客攻擊,保護您的身份,同時保持理智。
• 新的 Vista 介面讓您手癢嗎?我們也是……直到我們將 Windows 反轉過來,搖掉所有鬆動的部件,並弄清楚這個怪物的運作原理。從我們的痛苦和折磨中學習。
• 如果您終於決定購買一台 Windows Media Center 電腦,或者您認為自己擁有一台卻不知道,您手中正拿著適合您的書。我們將教您如何快速上手,將您的新電腦從一台小型 PC 轉變為媒體巨頭、娛樂中心、遊戲中心,以及您從未想過的超越 TiVo 的替代品。
• 準備升級了嗎?我們提供來自實戰的升級 Windows Vista 的建議。也許您仍然想運行 Windows XP,但想嘗試 Vista 一段時間,看看您是否喜歡。我們將介紹如何安全地雙啟動您的電腦,使用兩個操作系統。
類別:Microsoft® Windows 作業系統
涵蓋範圍:Microsoft® Windows Vista®,所有版本 Windows Vista Service Pack 1
Robert Cowart 已撰寫超過 40 本書籍,全球銷售超過 100 萬本。他因為為 Sybex 和 Osborne 寫作而成名,尤其是在暢銷的《Mastering Windows》系列中。作為 Que 的作者和媒體開發者,Bob 撰寫了多本 Windows 書籍,包括 Que 的旗艦 Windows 書籍《Special Edition Using Microsoft® Windows®》的多個版本。
Brian Knittel 是一位軟體開發者、顧問和作家。他是 Que 多本暢銷 Windows 書籍的作者或合著者,包括 Que 的領先 Windows 書籍《Special Edition Using Microsoft® Windows®》。Brian 也是《Windows XP Under the Hood》的作者,並與 Scott Mueller 共同撰寫《Upgrading and Repairing Windows®》。
在 CD-ROM 上
超過 80 分鐘的操作視頻,教您如何快速上手 Windows Vista!Bob 和 Brian 將展示新的 Vista 歡迎中心如何運作,如何個性化和調整桌面,如何使用新的 Windows 檔案總管,如何管理使用者帳戶等等!透過螢幕錄影和旁白,您將能夠觀看 Windows 大師的工作,消除快速上手 Vista 的猜測。就像有 Bob 和 Brian 坐在您身邊,教您如何使用 Vista!