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The CEH certification shows knowledge of network penetration testing skills. The CEH exam takes three hours and 125 questions, requiring a broad and deep knowledge of network security issues. The CEH Exam Prep is the perfect solution for this challenge, giving you the solid, in-depth coverage you'll need to score higher on the exam.
Along with the most current CEH content, the book also contains the elements that make Exam Preps such strong study aides: comprehensive coverage of exam topics, end-of-chapter review, practice questions, Exam Alerts, Fast Facts, plus an entire practice exam to test your understanding of the material. The book also features MeasureUp's innovative testing software, to help you drill and practice your way to higher scores.
The CEH Exam Prep brings a proven learning method of study to this popular senior-level security certification
Learn from widely recognized security author Michael Gregg, a nine-time winner of Global Knowledge's Perfect Instructor Award Practice with the CD-testing engine from MeasureUp with challenging practice questions Study exam topics with popular Exam Prep elements like Exam Alerts, practice exams, end-of-chapter practice questions, and Fast Facts for quick review
CEH 認證顯示了網路滲透測試技能的知識。CEH 考試持續三小時,包含 125 題問題,要求對網路安全議題有廣泛且深入的了解。《CEH 考試準備》是應對這一挑戰的完美解決方案,提供您在考試中獲得更高分數所需的扎實、深入的內容。
除了最新的 CEH 內容外,本書還包含了使考試準備成為強大學習輔助工具的要素:全面覆蓋考試主題、章末回顧、練習題、考試警示、快速事實,以及整個練習考試以測試您對材料的理解。本書還特別提供 MeasureUp 的創新測試軟體,幫助您進行練習,提升分數。
CEH 考試準備帶來了一種經過驗證的學習方法,適用於這個受歡迎的高級安全認證。
- 向廣受認可的安全作者 Michael Gregg 學習,他是 Global Knowledge 的九次完美講師獎得主
- 使用 MeasureUp 的 CD 測試引擎進行練習,挑戰性的練習題
- 使用流行的考試準備元素學習考試主題,如考試警示、練習考試、章末練習題和快速事實以便快速回顧