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$990Security+ Study Guide, 2/e (Paperback)
Put your Security+ knowledge to the test. The Security+ Certification Exam Cram 2 Lab Manual gives you optimal time with hands-on exercises designed to complement and reinfocrce material you have read in the corresponding Exam Cram 2 book or learned in a classroom setting. You will perform tasks you have learned about in other references and that directly related to the exam objectives. Through each lab's Key Objective, Step-by-Step Procedures and "What Did I Just Learn?" report section, you will have a better understanding of the key exam concepts.
將您的 Security+ 知識付諸實踐。《Security+ 認證考試速成 2 實驗手冊》提供最佳的時間進行實作練習,這些練習旨在補充和強化您在相應的《考試速成 2》書籍中閱讀的材料或在課堂上學到的知識。您將執行在其他參考資料中學到的任務,這些任務與考試目標直接相關。通過每個實驗的關鍵目標、逐步程序和「我剛學到什麼?」報告部分,您將對考試的關鍵概念有更深入的理解。