Photoshop Secrets of the Pros: 20 Top Artists and Designers Face Off (Paperback)

Mark Clarkson

  • 出版商: Sybex
  • 出版日期: 2003-11-03
  • 定價: $1,350
  • 售價: 2.2$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 288
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0782141919
  • ISBN-13: 9780782141917
  • 相關分類: Photoshop
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=3)




Photoshop Secrets of the Pros is not your typical Photoshop book, laboriously marching you through features, filters, and techniques. This book throws you right into the thick of things, dropping you ringside for a series of digital duels and artistic collaborations. In this groundbreaking guide top artists challenge each other in a series of Photoshop Tennis matches -- and you get to peer over their shoulders. You'll watch them put Photoshop through its paces, creating incredible new work under grueling deadlines. You'll see which tools and techniques they use, and how and why they choose them when the clock is ticking and the world is watching.

Open up this unique book and:

  • Get caught up in the action: Watch 20 of the world's top digital artists, photographers, and web and print designers compete, mouse to mouse.
  • Eavesdrop on the experts: Enter the artists' heads as they explain each decision they make.
  • Find out how it's done in the real world: See 100 pieces of original art dissected, component by component and technique by technique.
  • Discover pro secrets: Learn how Photoshop's basic tools are used to create fantastic effects in record time.


The Secret Life of Photoshop Designers
The History of Photoshop Tennis
Photoshop Tennis Rules (Such as They Are)
The Matches in This Book

Match 1: Isaac Epp vs. Matt Riddle
Match 2: Shaun Inman vs. Leslie Cabarga
Match 3: Eric Jordan vs. Benoit Falardeau
Match 4: Roddy Llewellyn vs. John Henry Donovan
Match 5: Audrey Mantey vs. Joen Asmussen
Match 6: Bas Hijmans vs. Evan Alexander
Match 7: Christine Smart vs. Manuel Clement
Match 8: Bob Gundu vs. Farhez Rayani
Match 9: Michelle Kwajafa vs. Nate Smith
Match 10: Dave Bedingfield vs. Walt Dietrich

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Photoshop Tennis
Real Designers Do Less, Get Paid More
Master the Basics
Three Words: Layers, Layers, Layers
Blend to Win
Preserve Your Elements
You Can Never Have Too Many Brushes
Add Some Texture
Filter in Moderation
Don't Think

What's on the Companion CD


《Photoshop Secrets of the Pros》不是一本典型的Photoshop書籍,不會枯燥地帶領你了解功能、濾鏡和技巧。這本書將你直接投入其中,讓你近距離觀看一系列數位對決和藝術合作。在這本開創性的指南中,頂尖藝術家在一系列的Photoshop網球比賽中互相挑戰,而你可以從旁觀察他們的過程。你將看到他們如何在緊迫的時間限制下,使用Photoshop創作出令人難以置信的作品。你將看到他們使用哪些工具和技巧,以及在時間緊迫且全世界都在關注的情況下,他們如何選擇和使用這些工具和技巧。

- 深陷其中:觀看20位世界頂尖的數位藝術家、攝影師、網頁和印刷設計師進行一場場激烈的比賽。
- 偷聽專家:進入藝術家的思維,聽他們解釋每個決策的原因。
- 了解真實世界的做法:逐個元件和技巧地解析100件原創藝術作品。
- 發現專業秘訣:學習如何使用Photoshop的基本工具,在短時間內創造出驚人的效果。

- Photoshop設計師的秘密生活
- Photoshop網球的歷史
- Photoshop網球的規則(雖然並不嚴格)
- 本書中的比賽
- 比賽1:Isaac Epp vs. Matt Riddle
- 比賽2:Shaun Inman vs. Leslie Cabarga
- 比賽3:Eric Jordan vs. Benoit Falardeau
- 比賽4:Roddy Llewellyn vs. John Henry Donovan
- 比賽5:Audrey Mantey vs. Joen Asmussen
- 比賽6:Bas Hijmans vs. Evan Alexander
- 比賽7:Christine Smart vs. Manuel Clement
- 比賽8:Bob Gundu vs. Farhez Rayani
- 比賽9:Michelle Kwajafa vs. Nate Smith
- 比賽10:Dave Bedingfield vs. Walt Dietrich
- 從Photoshop網球中學到的一切
- 真正的設計師做得更少,賺得更多
- 掌握基礎
- 三個字:圖層、圖層、圖層
- 混合以取勝
- 保留你的元素
- 永遠不嫌刷子太多
- 添加一些紋理
- 適度使用濾鏡
- 不要思考
