Auditing IT Infrastructures for Compliance (Paperback) (IT基礎設施合規性審計)

Martin Weiss




PART OF THE NEW JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES! Information systems and IT infrastructures are no longer void from governance and compliance given recent U.S.-based compliancy laws that were consummated during the early to mid-2000s. As a result of these laws, both public sector and private sector verticals must have proper security controls in place. Auditing IT Infrastructures for Compliance identifies and explains what each of these compliancy laws requires. It then goes on to discuss how to audit an IT infrastructure for compliance based on the laws and the need to protect and secure business and consumer privacy data. It closes with a resource for readers who desire more information on becoming skilled at IT auditing and IT compliance auditing.


《Jones & Bartlett Learning 信息系統安全與保證系列》的一部分!鑒於近年來美國的合規法律,信息系統和IT基礎設施已不再免於治理和合規要求。由於這些法律的存在,無論是公共部門還是私營部門,都必須建立適當的安全控制措施。《合規性審計IT基礎設施》確定並解釋了每一個合規法律的要求。接著,它討論了如何根據法律要求審計IT基礎設施,以保護和確保商業和消費者的隱私數據。最後,提供了一個資源,供讀者們了解如何熟練進行IT審計和IT合規審計的更多信息。