Universal Principles of UX: 100 Timeless Strategies to Create Positive Interactions Between People and Technology (Paperback)
暫譯: UX的普遍原則:100個永恆策略以創造人與科技之間的正向互動(平裝本)

Irene Pereyra


Master the art of user experience design through the 100 laws, guidelines, human biases, and general considerations in this comprehensive, cross-disciplinary encyclopedia.

Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, Universal Principles of UX pairs clear explanations of each concept with visual examples of the ideas applied in practice. The book is organized into six broad categories:

  • Consider
  • Empathize
  • Define
  • Research
  • Design
  • Validate

And, features principles as diverse as:

  • Design is not neutral
  • Make the choice easy
  • Some complexity cannot be reduced
  • Map the ecosystem
  • So you think you can scroll
  • Don't grade your own homework

User Experience is a field notable for its expansiveness, complexity and persistent evolution. This book is not a chronological retelling of the history of user experience design. It is also not a technical how-to book that will show you how to become a perfect user experience designer one step at a time. It's a philosophical anthology of case studies, situations, problems, and contradictions encountered across more than fifteen years of working on real world client projects that will teach you how to think, rather than tell you what to do.

Each principle is presented in a two-page format. The left-hand page contains a succinct definition, a full description of the principle, examples of its use, and guidelines for use. Sidenotes appear to the right of the text, and provide elaborations and references. The right-hand page contains visual examples and related graphics to support a deeper understanding of the principle.

This landmark reference is the standard for designers, engineers, managers, and students who seek to broaden and improve their user experience design expertise.

The titles in the Rockport Universal series offer comprehensive and authoritative information and edifying and inspiring visual examples on multidisciplinary subjects for designers, architects, engineers, students, and anyone who is interested in expanding and enriching their design knowledge.




- 考慮
- 同理
- 定義
- 研究
- 設計
- 驗證


- 設計不是中立的
- 讓選擇變得簡單
- 某些複雜性無法簡化
- 繪製生態系統
- 你以為你可以滾動
- 不要給自己的作業打分




《Rockport Universal系列》中的書籍為設計師、建築師、工程師、學生以及任何希望擴展和豐富其設計知識的人提供全面且權威的信息,以及啟發性和教育性的視覺範例。


User Experience Director and Designer Irene Pereyra is responsible for translating business requirements into intuitive interactive solutions. She has led the strategy and UX initiatives for clients including The Met, Wacom, Balenciaga, USA Today, EA, HTC, Google, Nickelodeon, FOX, Verizon, BBC, Red Bull, and many more for both the web and cross-platform applications. Her work has been recognized by Cannes, The Webbys, FWA, Interaction Design Association, and The European Design Awards. Irene has been a guest speaker at numerous conferences, such as OFFF and FITC, and taught at prestigious learning institutions like Hyper Island in Sweden, SVA in New York, Elisava in Barcelona, Harbour Space in Barcelona, and the Design Academy in the Netherlands. Her personal projects have been displayed in design conferences and festivals in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Paris, New York, Singapore, and Tegucigualpa. Originally from Amsterdam, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from the Art Institute of Atlanta and a Master of Science in Communications Design from Pratt Institute in New York. She currently splits her time between Barcelona and Brooklyn where she heads up her design studio, Anton & Irene, together with her creative partner, Anton Repponen.


使用者體驗總監及設計師Irene Pereyra負責將商業需求轉化為直觀的互動解決方案。她曾為包括大都會藝術博物館(The Met)、Wacom、Balenciaga、美國今日(USA Today)、EA、HTC、Google、Nickelodeon、FOX、Verizon、BBC、Red Bull等客戶主導策略及使用者體驗(UX)計畫,涵蓋網頁及跨平台應用程式。她的作品曾獲得坎城獎(Cannes)、Webby獎、FWA、互動設計協會(Interaction Design Association)及歐洲設計獎(European Design Awards)的認可。Irene曾在多個會議上擔任嘉賓演講者,如OFFF和FITC,並在瑞典的Hyper Island、紐約的SVA、巴塞隆納的Elisava、巴塞隆納的Harbour Space及荷蘭的設計學院(Design Academy)等知名學術機構授課。她的個人專案曾在阿姆斯特丹、安特衛普、巴黎、紐約、新加坡及特古西加爾巴的設計會議和節慶中展出。Irene來自阿姆斯特丹,擁有亞特蘭大藝術學院的美術學士學位及紐約普拉特學院的傳播設計碩士學位。她目前在巴塞隆納和布魯克林之間分配時間,與她的創意夥伴Anton Repponen共同經營設計工作室Anton & Irene。