Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24 (Paperback)

Lucio Di Jasio





• A Microchip insider tells all on the newest, most powerful PICs ever!

• FREE CD-ROM includes source code in C, the Microchip C30 compiler, and MPLAB SIM software

• Includes handy checklists to help readers perform the most common programming and debugging tasks

The new 16-bit PIC24 chip provides embedded programmers with more speed, more memory, and more peripherals than ever before, creating the potential for more powerful cutting-edge PIC designs. This book teaches readers everything they need to know about these chips: how to program them, how to test them, and how to debug them, in order to take full advantage of the capabilities of the new PIC24 microcontroller architecture.

Author Lucio Di Jasio, a PIC expert at Microchip, offers unique insight into this revolutionary technology, guiding the reader step-by-step from 16-bit architecture basics, through even the most sophisticated programming scenarios. This book’s common-sense, practical, hands-on approach begins simply and builds up to more challenging exercises, using proven C programming techniques. Experienced PIC users and newcomers to the field alike will benefit from the text’s many thorough examples, which demonstrate how to nimbly side-step common obstacles, solve real-world design problems efficiently, and optimize code for all the new PIC24 features.

You will learn about:
• basic timing and I/O operations,
• multitasking using the PIC24 interrupts,
• all the new hardware peripherals
• how to control LCD displays,
• generating audio and video signals,
• accessing mass-storage media,
• how to share files on a mass-storage device with a PC,
• experimenting with the Explorer 16 demo board, debugging methods with MPLAB-SIM and ICD2 tools, and more!



• 一位Microchip內部人士揭示了有史以來最新、最強大的PIC!

• 免費CD-ROM包含C語言的原始碼、Microchip C30編譯器和MPLAB SIM軟體

• 包含實用的檢查清單,幫助讀者執行最常見的程式設計和除錯任務


作者Lucio Di Jasio是Microchip的PIC專家,他提供了對這項革命性技術的獨特見解,從16位元架構基礎開始,逐步引導讀者進入最複雜的程式設計場景。本書以實用、實際、實踐的方式開始,從簡單的內容逐漸擴展到更具挑戰性的練習,使用經過驗證的C編程技術。有經驗的PIC使用者和新手都將受益於本書中豐富的例子,這些例子展示了如何靈活地避開常見的障礙,高效地解決現實世界的設計問題,並優化所有新的PIC24功能的程式碼。

• 基本的定時和I/O操作
• 使用PIC24中斷進行多任務處理
• 所有新的硬體外設
• 如何控制LCD顯示器
• 生成音頻和視頻信號
• 存取大容量儲存媒體
• 如何在大容量儲存設備上與個人電腦共享文件
• 使用Explorer 16示範板進行實驗
• 使用MPLAB-SIM和ICD2工具進行除錯,以及更多!