Real World XML, 2/e
暫譯: 實務 XML, 第二版

Steve Holzner

  • 出版商: New Riders
  • 出版日期: 2003-01-15
  • 售價: $2,040
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,938
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1200
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0735712867
  • ISBN-13: 9780735712867
  • 相關分類: XML
  • 已過版




Steven Holzner's friendly, easy-to-read style has turned this book (formerly known as Inside XML) into the leading reference on XML. Unlike other XML books, this one is packed with hundreds of real-world examples, fully tested and ready to use!

Holzner teaches you XML like no other author can, covering every major XML topic today and detailing the ways XML is used now--connecting XML to databases (both locally and on web servers), stying XML for viewing in today's web browsers, reading and parsing XML documents in browsers, writing and using XML schemas, creating graphical XML browsers, working with the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and a great deal more. Real World XML is designed to be the standard in XML coverage--more complete, and more accessible, than any other.

"The author's approach is definitely bottom up, written in a highly personable tone. He makes efficient use of example code, which sets this book apart from many I have read in the past. His examples bring to life the code without overwhelming the reader, and he does not present any examples for which the reader has not been prepared. In addition, no prior knowledge of XML is assumed. As such, this is an excellent book for both beginners and intermediate level web designers and programmers. Experts, too, will find this book of value, due to its emphasis on real world applicability. Overall, this book will benefit all web developers and programmers, with a special emphasis on beginner and intermediate developers."--Donna A. Dulo, MS, MA, Senior Systems Engineer, U.S. Department of Defense

"This book will provide a brilliant basis for anyone wishing to keep up to speed with the new XML developments."--Mr. Andrew Madden, Department of Computer Science, University of Wales

"I found this book's strengths to be: its exhaustive specification reference for the conscientious developer; access to the official specs, which is key; the wide variety of choices provided for all aspects of XML; several alternatives provided for each editor, browser, parser, stylesheet transform engine, and programming language; and working examples that show the power of the tools used."--Jaime Ryan, Software Developer/Documentation Manager, Blue Titan Software


Table of Contents:

1. Essential XML.

Markup Languages. What Does XML Look Like? What Does XML Look Like in a Browser? What's So Great About XML? Well-Formed XML Documents. Valid XML Documents. Parsing XML Yourself. XML Resources. XML Editors. XML Browsers. XML Parsers. XML Validators. CSS and XSL. XLinks and XPointers. URLs Versus URIs. ASCII, Unicode, and the Universal Character System. XML Applications.

2. Creating Well-Formed XML Documents.

The World Wide Web Consortium. What Is a Well-Formed XML Document? Markup and Character Data. The Prolog. The XML Declaration. Comments. Processing Instructions. Tags and Elements. The Root Element. Attributes. Building Well-Formed Document Structure. CDATA Sections. XML Namespaces. Infosets. Canonical XML.

3. Valid Documents: Creating Document Type Definitions.

Valid XML Documents. Creating Document Type Declarations. Creating Document Type Definitions. Validating Against a DTD. Element Declarations. ANY. Child Element Lists. #PCDATA. Creating Subsequences with Parentheses. Choices. Mixed Content. Empty Elements. DTD Comments. A DTD Example. External DTDs. Using Document Type Definitions with URLs. Public Document Type Definitions. Using Both Internal and External DTDs. Namespaces and DTDs.

4. DTDs: Entities and Attributes.

Entities. Attributes. Creating Internal General Entities. Creating External General Entities. Building a Document from Pieces. Predefined General Entity References. Creating Internal Parameter Entities. External Parameter Entities. Using INCLUDE and IGNORE. All About Attributes. Declaring Attributes in DTDs. Setting Default Values for Attributes. Attribute Types. Embedding Non-XML Data in a Document. Embedding Multiple Unparsed Entities in a Document.

5. Creating XML Schemas.

Using XML Schemas in Internet Explorer. Writing XML Schemas. What Elements Can You Use in Schemas? Declaring Types and Elements. Specifying How Often Elements Can Occur. Specifying Default Values for Elements. Specifying Attribute Constraints and Defaults. Creating Simple Types. Creating Simple Types Using Facets. Using Anonymous Type Definitions. Creating Empty Elements. Creating Mixed-Content Elements. Annotating Schemas. Creating Choices. Creating Element Groups. Creating Attribute Groups. Creating all Groups. Schemas and Namespaces.

6. Understanding JavaScript.

What Is JavaScript? JavaScript Is Object-Based. Using Object Properties and Methods in JavaScript. Using Events in JavaScript. Programming in JavaScript. Working with Data in JavaScript. Commenting Your JavaScript. Working with JavaScript Operators. Creating JavaScript if Statements. Creating JavaScript if...else Statements. Creating switch Statements. Creating JavaScript for Loop Statements. Creating while Loop Statements. Creating do...while Loops. Creating Functions in JavaScript. Passing Values to Functions. Creating Objects in JavaScript. Using String Objects in JavaScript. Using the Array Class to Create Arrays. Working with Events. Getting Event Information. Handling Mouse Events.

7. Handling XML Documents with JavaScript.

The W3C DOM. The XML DOM Objects. The DOMDocument Object. The XMLDOMNode Object. The XMLDOMNodeList Object. The XMLDOMNamedNodeMap Object. The XMLDOMParseError Object. The XMLDOMAttribute Object. The XMLDOMElement Object. The XMLDOMText Object. Loading XML Documents. Using XML Data Islands. Getting Elements by Name. Getting Attribute Values from XML Elements. Parsing XML Documents in Code. Parsing an XML Document to Display Node Type and Content. Parsing an XML Document to Display Attribute Values. Handling Events While Loading XML Documents. Validating XML Documents with DTDs in Internet Explorer. Scripting XML Elements. Editing XML Documents with Internet Explorer.

8. XML and Data Binding.

Data Binding in Internet Explorer. Using Data Source Objects. Binding Data to HTML Elements. Using Data Binding with XML. XML Single-Record Binding Using XML Data Islands. The Properties, Methods, and Events of XML DSOs. Tabular Data Binding and XML. Single-Record Data Binding with the XML DSO. Tabular Data Binding with the XML DSO. XML and Hierarchical Data. Handling Variable-Size Hierarchical Data in XML Documents. Searching XML Data.

9. Cascading Style Sheets.

Attaching Stylesheets to XML Documents. Selecting Elements in Stylesheet Rules. Grouping Elements in Selectors. Creating Pseudo-Elements. Classes. Creating Pseudo-Classes. Selecting by ID. Using Contextual Selectors. Using Inline Styles. Using Inheritance. Understanding Cascades. Creating Style Rules. Creating Block Elements. Styling Text. Setting Colors and Backgrounds. Margins, Indentations, and Alignments. Applying Styles to Lists. Creating Borders. Displaying Images. Absolute Positioning. Relative Positioning. The Formal Style Property Specifications. Text Properties. Font Properties. Background and Color Properties. Table Properties. Positioning and Block Properties. Box Properties. Visual Effects Properties. List Properties.

10. Understanding Java.

Java Resources. Writing Java Programs. Java Is Object-Oriented from the Ground Up. Getting the Java SDK. Creating Java Files. Writing Code: Creating an Application. Compiling Code. Running Java Applications. Commenting Your Code. Importing Java Packages and Classes. Creating Variables in Java. Creating Arrays in Java. Creating Strings in Java. Java Operators. Java Conditional Statements: if, if...else, switch. Java Loops: for, while, do...while. Declaring and Creating Objects. Creating Methods in Java. Creating Java Classes.

11. Java and the XML DOM.

Creating a Parser. Displaying an Entire Document. Filtering XML Documents. Creating a Windowed Browser. Creating a Graphical Browser. Navigating in XML Documents. Modifying XML Documents.

12. Java and SAX.

Working with SAX. Displaying an Entire Document. Filtering XML Documents. Creating a Windowed Browser. Creating a Graphical Browser. Navigating in XML Documents. Modifying XML Documents.

13. XSL Transformations.

Using XSLT Stylesheets in XML Documents. XSL Stylesheets. Making a Transformation Happen. Creating XSLT Stylesheets. The xsl:apply-templates Element. Getting the Value of Nodes with xsl:value-of. Handling Multiple Selections with xsl:for-each. Specifying Patterns for the match Attribute. Specifying Patterns for the select Attribute. Understanding Xpath. The Default XSLT Rules. Altering Document Structure Based on Input. Creating New Attributes. Generating Comments with xsl:comment. Copying Nodes. Sorting Elements. Using xsl:if. Using xsl:choose. Controlling Output Type.

14. XSL Formatting Objects.

Formatting an XML Document. Creating the XSLT Stylesheet. Transforming a Document into Formatting Object Form. Creating a Formatted Document. The XSL Formatting Objects. The XSL Formatting Properties. Working with Formatting Objects. The Document Root: fo:root. The Master Set Layout: fo:layout-master-set. Using a Page Master: fo:simple-page-master. Creating Regions. Creating Page Sequences: fo:page-sequence. Creating Flows: fo:flow. Creating Block-level Content: fo:block. Inline-Level Formatting Objects. Creating Page Numbers: fo:page-number. Creating Tables. fo:table. Creating Lists.

15. XLinks and XPointers.

XLinks. XPointers. All About Xlinks. Declaring the XLink Attributes. The xlink:type Attribute. Locating Resources with xlink:hre.f Describing Resources: xlink:role and xlink:title. The xlink:show Attribute. The xlink:actuate Attribute. The xlink:arcrole and xlink:label Attributes. Extended Links. Creating Arcs with the xlink:from and xlink:to Attributes. Inline Versus Out-of-Line Links. All About Xpointers. XPointer Axes. XPointer Node Tests. XPointer Predicates. XPointer Location Set Functions. Using XPointer Points. Using XPointer Ranges. XPointer Abbreviations.

16. Essential XHTML.

XHTML Checklist. Differences Between XHTML and HTML. Automatic Conversion from HTML to XHTML. Validating Your XHTML Document. <html>—The Document Element. <head>—Creating a Web Page's Head. <title>—The Document's Title. <body>—The Document's Body. <!-- --> Comments. Headings: <h1> Through <h6>. Text Handling. —Making Text Bold. —Making Text Italic. <u>—Underlining Text. <font>—Specifying a Text Font. <br>—Creating Line Breaks. <p>—Organizing Text into Paragraphs. <hr>—Creating Horizontal Rules. <center>—Centering Displayed Text. <div>—Formatting Text Blocks. <span>—Formatting Text Inline.

17. XHTML at Work.

<img>—Displaying an Image. <a>—Creating a Hyperlink or Anchor. <link>—Setting Link Information. <table>—Creating Tables. <tr>—Creating Table Rows. <th>—Creating Table Headings. <td>—Creating Table Data. <frameset>—Creating Documents with Frames. <frame>—Creating Individual Frames. Using Stylesheets in XHTML. <style>—Creating Embedded Stylesheets in XHTML. Using Inline Styles in XHTML. <script>—Using Script Programming. <form>—Creating XHTML Forms. <input type = "button">—Creating Controls. <input type="text">—Creating Text Fields. Extending XHTML—Creating New Elements and Attributes. Extending Public XHTML DTDs. Extending XHTML with a Driver DTD. All About XHTML 1.1 Modules. Modifying XHTML Content Models.

18. SOAP and RDF.

SOAP. A SOAP Example Using Java. RDF. RDF Syntax. RDF Root Element. RDF Namespace. RDF Description Element. RDF Property Elements. Dublin Core. Describing Multiple Properties. Describing Multiple Resources. Nesting Resources. Referring to Resources by Reference. Using XML in Property Elements. Using Abbreviated RDF Syntax. RDF Containers. Using the Bag Container. Using the Seq Container. Using the Alt Container. Making Statements About Containers. Making Statements About the Items in a Container. Selecting Container Items by Prefix. Creating RDF Schemas.

19. Vector Markup Language.

Creating VML Documents. The VML Elements. The <shape> Element. Using Predefined Shapes. Coloring Shapes. Scaling Shapes. Positioning Shapes. The absolute Position Style. The <shadow> Element. The <fill> Element. Using the <shapetype> Element. More Advanced VML.

20. WML, ASP, JSP, Servlets, and Perl.

XML and ASP. XML and Java Servlets. JSP. XML and Perl. WML. Getting Starting with WML. Setting Text Alignment. Basic Text Styling. The <do> Element. The <prev> Element. Hyperlinks. Tables. Text Input. Select Elements. Timers. Connecting to the Server. Images.

Appendix A. The XML 1.0 Recommendation (Second Edition).

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition). Abstract. Status of this Document. Table of Contents. 1 Introduction. 2 Documents. 3 Logical Structures. 4 Physical Structures. 5 Conformance. 6 Notation. A References. B Character Classes. C XML and SGML (Non-Normative). D Expansion of Entity and Character References (Non-Normative). E Deterministic Content Models (Non-Normative). F Autodetection of Character Encodings (Non-Normative). G W3C XML Working Group (Non-Normative). H W3C XML Core Group (Non-Normative). I Production Notes (Non-Normative).



Steven Holzner 友好且易於閱讀的風格使這本書(以前稱為《Inside XML》)成為 XML 的主要參考書。與其他 XML 書籍不同,這本書充滿了數百個現實世界的範例,經過充分測試並隨時可用!

Holzner 以無與倫比的方式教你 XML,涵蓋當今每個主要的 XML 主題,詳細說明 XML 現在的使用方式——將 XML 連接到數據庫(無論是本地還是網絡伺服器)、為當今的網頁瀏覽器設計 XML、在瀏覽器中讀取和解析 XML 文檔、編寫和使用 XML 架構、創建圖形化 XML 瀏覽器、使用簡單對象存取協議(SOAP)等。Real World XML 的設計旨在成為 XML 覆蓋的標準——比其他任何書籍都更完整、更易於接觸。

“作者的方式絕對是自下而上的,採用非常親切的語氣。他有效地利用範例代碼,這使得這本書與我過去讀過的許多書籍有所不同。他的範例生動地展示了代碼,而不會讓讀者感到不知所措,並且他不會提供任何讀者尚未準備好的範例。此外,並不假設讀者具備任何 XML 的先前知識。因此,這是一本非常適合初學者和中級網頁設計師及程序員的優秀書籍。專家們也會發現這本書的價值,因為它強調了現實世界的應用性。總的來說,這本書將使所有網頁開發者和程序員受益,特別是初學者和中級開發者。”——Donna A. Dulo,MS,MA,美國國防部高級系統工程師

“這本書將為任何希望跟上新 XML 發展的人提供出色的基礎。”——Andrew Madden,威爾斯大學計算機科學系

“我發現這本書的優勢在於:對於認真開發者來說,它提供了詳盡的規範參考;訪問官方規範,這是關鍵;提供了各種 XML 各方面的選擇;為每個編輯器、瀏覽器、解析器、樣式表轉換引擎和編程語言提供了幾種替代方案;以及展示所用工具強大的工作範例。”——Jaime Ryan,藍色泰坦軟體的軟體開發者/文檔經理

1. 基本 XML。
標記語言。XML 看起來像什麼?XML 在瀏覽器中看起來像什麼?XML 有什麼好處?格式良好的 XML 文檔。有效的 XML 文檔。自己解析 XML。XML 資源。XML 編輯器。XML 瀏覽器。XML 解析器。XML 驗證器。CSS 和 XSL。XLinks 和 XPointers。URL 與 URI。ASCII、Unicode 和通用字符系統。XML 應用。

2. 創建格式良好的 XML 文檔。
萬維網聯盟。什麼是格式良好的 XML 文檔?標記和字符數據。前言。XML 聲明。註釋。處理指令。標籤和元素。根元素。屬性。構建格式良好的文檔結構。CDATA 區段。XML 命名空間。信息集。標準 XML。

3. 有效文檔:創建文檔類型定義。
有效的 XML 文檔。創建文檔類型聲明。創建文檔類型定義。根據 DTD 驗證。元素聲明。ANY。子元素列表。#PCDATA。使用括號創建子序列。選擇。混合內容。空元素。DTD 註釋。DTD 範例。外部 DTD。使用 URL 的文檔類型定義。公共文檔類型定義。使用內部和外部 DTD。命名空間和 DTD。

4. DTD:實體和屬性。
實體。屬性。創建內部通用實體。創建外部通用實體。從片段構建文檔。預定義的通用實體引用。創建內部參數實體。外部參數實體。使用 INCLUDE 和 IGNORE。所有關於屬性。在 DTD 中聲明屬性。設置屬性的默認值。屬性類型。在文檔中嵌入非 XML 數據。在文檔中嵌入多個未解析的實體。

5. 創建 XML 架構。
在 Internet Explorer 中使用 XML 架構。編寫 XML 架構。可以在架構中使用哪些元素?聲明類型和元素。指定元素可以出現的頻率。指定元素的默認值。指定屬性約束和默認值。創建簡單類型。使用 Facets 創建簡單類型。使用匿名類型定義。創建空元素。創建混合內容元素。註釋架構。創建選擇。創建元素組。創建屬性組。創建所有組。架構和命名空間。

6. 理解 JavaScript。
什麼是 JavaScript?JavaScript 是基於對象的。在 JavaScript 中使用對象屬性和方法。在 JavaScript 中使用事件。在 JavaScript 中編程。在 JavaScript 中處理數據。對你的 JavaScript 進行註釋。在 JavaScript 中使用運算符。創建 JavaScript if 語句。創建 JavaScript if...else 語句。創建 switch 語句。創建 JavaScript for 循環語句。創建 while 循環語句。創建 do...while 循環。創建 JavaScript 函數。將值傳遞給函數。在 JavaScript 中創建對象。在 JavaScript 中使用字符串對象。使用數組類創建數組。處理事件。獲取事件信息。處理鼠標事件。

7. 使用 JavaScript 處理 XML 文檔。
W3C DOM。XML DOM 對象。DOMDocument 對象。XMLDOMNode 對象。XMLDOMNodeList 對象。XMLDOMNamedNodeMap 對象。XMLDOMParseError 對象。XMLDOMAttribute 對象。XMLDOMElement 對象。XMLDOMText 對象。加載 XML 文檔。使用 XML 數據島。按名稱獲取元素。從 XML 元素獲取屬性值。在代碼中解析 XML 文檔。解析 XML 文檔以顯示節點類型和內容。解析 XML 文檔以顯示屬性值。在加載 XML 文檔時處理事件。使用 DTD 驗證 XML 文檔在 Internet Explorer 中。使用腳本編寫 XML 元素。使用 Internet Explorer 編輯 XML 文檔。

8. XML 和數據綁定。
在 Internet Explorer 中的數據綁定。使用數據源對象。將數據綁定到 HTML 元素。使用 XML 的數據綁定。使用 XML 數據島的單記錄綁定。XML DSO 的屬性、方法和事件。表格數據綁定和 XML。使用 XML DSO 的單記錄數據綁定。使用 XML DSO 的表格數據綁定。XML 和層次數據。在 XML 文檔中處理可變大小的層次數據。搜索 XML 數據。

9. 層疊樣式表。
將樣式表附加到 XML 文檔。選擇樣式表規則中的元素。在選擇器中分組元素。創建偽元素。類。創建偽類。按 ID 選擇。使用上下文選擇器。使用內聯樣式。使用繼承。理解級聯。創建樣式規則。創建塊元素。樣式化文本。設置顏色和背景。邊距、縮進和對齊。將樣式應用於列表。創建邊框。顯示圖像。絕對定位。相對定位。正式的樣式屬性規範。文本屬性。字體屬性。背景和顏色屬性。表格屬性。定位和塊屬性。框屬性。視覺效果屬性。列表屬性。

10. 理解 Java。
Java 資源。編寫 Java 程序。Java 從根本上是面向對象的。獲取 Java SDK。創建 Java 文件。編寫代碼:創建應用程序。編譯代碼。運行 Java 應用程序。對你的代碼進行註釋。導入 Java 包和類。在 Java 中創建變量。在 Java 中創建數組。在 Java 中創建字符串。Java 運算符。Java 條件語句:if、if...else、switch。Java 循環:for、while、do...while。聲明和創建對象。在 Java 中創建方法。在 Java 中創建類。

11. Java 和 XML DOM。
創建解析器。顯示整個文檔。過濾 XML 文檔。創建窗口瀏覽器。創建圖形瀏覽器。在 XML 文檔中導航。修改 XML 文檔。

12. Java 和 SAX。
使用 SAX。顯示整個文檔。過濾 XML 文檔。創建窗口瀏覽器。創建圖形瀏覽器。在 XML 文檔中導航。修改 XML 文檔。

13. XSL 轉換。
在 XML 文檔中使用 XSLT 樣式表。XSL 樣式表。使轉換發生。創建 XSLT 樣式表。xsl:apply-templates 元素。使用 xsl:value-of 獲取節點的值。使用 xsl:for-each 處理多重選擇。為 match 屬性指定模式。為 select 屬性指定模式。理解 Xpath。默認 XSLT 規則。根據輸入改變文檔結構。創建新屬性。使用 xsl:comment 生成註釋。複製節點。排序元素。使用 xsl:if。使用 xsl:choose。控制輸出類型。

14. XSL 格式化對象。
格式化 XML 文檔。創建 XSLT 樣式表。將文檔轉換為格式化對象形式。創建格式化文檔。XSL 格式化對象。XSL 格式化屬性。使用格式化對象。文檔根:fo:root。主佈局集:fo:layout-master-set。使用頁面主體:fo:simple-page-master。創建區域。創建頁面序列:fo:page-sequence。創建流:fo:flow。創建塊級內容:fo:block。內聯級格式化對象。創建頁碼:fo:page-number。創建表格:fo:table。創建列表。

15. XLinks 和 XPointers。
XLinks。XPointers。所有關於 Xlinks。聲明 XLink 屬性。xlink:type 屬性。使用 xlink:href 定位資源。描述資源:xlink:role 和 xlink:title。xlink:show 屬性。xlink:actuate 屬性。xlink:arcrole 和 xlink:label 屬性。擴展鏈接。使用 xlink:from 和 xlink:to 屬性創建弧。內聯與外聯鏈接。所有關於 Xpointers。XPointer 軸。XPointer 節點測試。XPointer 前提。XPointer 位置集函數。使用 XPointer 點。使用 XPointer 範圍。XPointer 縮寫。

16. 基本 XHTML。
XHTML 檢查清單。XHTML 與 HTML 的區別。從 HTML 自動轉換為 XHTML。驗證你的 XHTML 文檔。—文檔元素。—創建網頁的頭部。—文檔的標題。—文檔的主體。