Microsoft Visual C++/CLI Step by Step (Paperback) (微軟 Visual C++/CLI 從入門到精通)

Julian Templeman




Your hands-on guide to Visual C++/CLI fundamentals

Expand your expertise—and teach yourself the fundamentals of the Microsoft Visual C++/CLI language. If you have previous programming experience but are new to Visual C++, this tutorial delivers the step-by-step guidance and coding exercises you need to master core topics and techniques.

Discover how to:

  • Write and debug object-oriented C++ programs in Visual Studio 2012
  • Utilize the various features of the C++/CLI language
  • Make use of the Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library
  • Create a simple Windows Store app
  • Use .NET features such as properties, delegates and events
  • Access data from disparate sources using ADO.NET
  • Create and consume web services using Windows Communication Foundation
  • Work effectively with legacy code and COM


您的Visual C++/CLI基礎實踐指南

擴展您的專業知識,並自學微軟Visual C++/CLI語言的基礎知識。如果您具有先前的編程經驗,但對Visual C++尚不熟悉,本教程將提供逐步指導和編碼練習,幫助您掌握核心主題和技巧。

- 在Visual Studio 2012中編寫和調試面向對象的C++程序
- 利用C++/CLI語言的各種功能
- 使用微軟.NET Framework類庫
- 創建簡單的Windows Store應用程序
- 使用.NET功能,如屬性、委派和事件
- 使用ADO.NET從不同來源訪問數據
- 使用Windows Communication Foundation創建和使用Web服務
- 有效處理舊代碼和COM