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$999Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book (Paperback)
Experience learning made easy-and quickly teach yourself how to build database solutions with Access 2010. With STEP BY STEP, you set the pace-building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them! Topics include building an Access database from scratch or from templates; publishing your database to the Web; exchanging data with other databases and Microsoft Office documents; creating data-entry forms; using filters and queries; designing reports; using conditional formatting; preventing data corruption and unauthorized access; and other core topics.
體驗輕鬆學習——快速自學如何使用 Access 2010 建立資料庫解決方案。透過《逐步指南》,您可以按照自己的步調進行學習,隨時建立和練習所需的技能!主題包括從零開始或使用範本建立 Access 資料庫;將資料庫發佈到網路;與其他資料庫和 Microsoft Office 文件交換資料;創建資料輸入表單;使用篩選器和查詢;設計報告;使用條件格式化;防止資料損壞和未經授權的存取;以及其他核心主題。