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You're beyond the basics, so dive in and really put your spreadsheet skills to work! This supremely organized reference is packed with hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds. It's all muscle and no fluff. Discover how the experts tackle Excel 2010-and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery!
- Learn expert techniques for designing powerful spreadsheets
- Apply built-in functions-or write your own-and carry out complex calculations
- Use rich charting and graphic capabilities to visualize data
- Perform sophisticated data analysis: financial, statistical, and "what-if"
- Design PivotTable reports to dynamically analyze data
- Share and collaborate with others-while managing sensitive data
- Link and embed Excel data into other documents
- Create macros with Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications
您已經超越了基礎,現在可以深入探索並真正發揮您的電子表格技能!這本極具組織性的參考書充滿了數百個節省時間的解決方案、故障排除技巧和替代方法。內容精華,無冗餘。了解專家如何處理 Excel 2010,並挑戰自己達到新的精通水平!
- 學習設計強大電子表格的專家技術
- 應用內建函數或撰寫自己的函數,執行複雜計算
- 利用豐富的圖表和圖形功能來視覺化數據
- 執行複雜的數據分析:財務、統計和「假設情境」
- 設計樞紐分析表報告以動態分析數據
- 與他人分享和協作,同時管理敏感數據
- 將 Excel 數據鏈接和嵌入到其他文檔中
- 使用 Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications 創建宏
書中範例電子表格、附加元件和其他資源,幫助您擴展 Microsoft Office 程式的功能,還有連結到演示、用戶社群和產品支援。