$1,580$1,501 -
$890$703 -
$300$270 -
$1,770$1,682 -
$2,370$2,252 -
$650$507 -
$1,920$1,824 -
$2,750$2,613 -
$399Pro SQL Server 2005 Database Design and Optimization (Paperback)
$2,550$2,423 -
$2,040$1,938 -
$2,380$2,261 -
$1,920$1,824 -
$2,370$2,252 -
$1,610$1,530 -
$2,850$2,708 -
$2,210$2,100 -
$2,080$1,976 -
$2,040$1,938 -
$1,920$1,824 -
$2,450$2,328 -
$2,630$2,499 -
$6,480$6,156 -
$1,990$1,891 -
Take your database skills to the next level with this hands-on, step-by-step guide.
Learn more-advanced skills to design, build, test, deploy, and maintain SQL Server databases—one step at a time. Ideal for developers who understand database essentials, this learn-by-doing tutorial offers practical guidance, code samples, and a collection of techniques to help you solve real-world business problems.
Discover how to:
•Manage data access with server logins and user and server roles
•Implement a disaster recovery strategy
•Use aggregate functions to compute totals and complex statistical values
•Optimize query performance by managing IO statistics and designing indexes
•Work with remote data sources—including third-party databases
•Provide remote access through the Internet or a middle-tier service interface
•Manage transactions, implement error handlers, and define isolation levels
•Go further and work with SQL Server Reporting Services and Notification Services
Includes a CD featuring:
•All practice exercises
•Code samples
學習更高階的技能,以設計、建置、測試、部署和維護 SQL Server 資料庫——一步一步來。這本適合了解資料庫基本概念的開發者的實作教學,提供實用的指導、程式碼範例以及一系列技術,幫助您解決現實世界中的商業問題。
• 使用伺服器登入和使用者及伺服器角色管理資料存取
• 實施災難恢復策略
• 使用聚合函數計算總數和複雜的統計值
• 透過管理 IO 統計和設計索引來優化查詢效能
• 與遠端資料來源合作——包括第三方資料庫
• 通過網際網路或中介服務介面提供遠端存取
• 管理交易、實施錯誤處理程序並定義隔離級別
• 更進一步,使用 SQL Server Reporting Services 和 Notification Services
包括一張 CD,內容包含:
• 所有練習題
• 程式碼範例