$399Visual C++ .NET: A Primer for C++ Developers (Paperback)
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Get hands-on, expert guidance for developing with Visual C# 2005.
Get the essential, straightforward information you need to master the core capabilities of Visual C# 2005. Both new and experienced developers get expert guidance, hands-on programming instruction, and practical examples to help advance their proficiency in developing applications for Microsoft Windows and the Web.
Discover how to:
• Refine class usage with inheritance, polymorphism, and other strategies
• Implement generics to define a type-safe data structure
• Work with stacks, queues, arrays, dictionaries, and other collections
• Use iterators to implement and standardize enumerator patterns
• Know when to catch exceptions—and handle them locally or propagate them
• Interrogate metadata and facilitate late binding by using reflection
• Synchronize threads with locks, events, mutexes, and other tools
• Use the Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger and explore advanced debugging techniques and tools
獲得針對 Visual C# 2005 開發的實用專家指導。
獲得掌握 Visual C# 2005 核心功能所需的基本且直接的信息。無論是新手還是有經驗的開發者,都能獲得專家的指導、實作編程教學和實用範例,幫助提升在 Microsoft Windows 和網路應用程式開發方面的熟練度。
• 使用繼承、多型及其他策略來精煉類別的使用
• 實作泛型以定義類型安全的資料結構
• 使用堆疊、佇列、陣列、字典及其他集合
• 使用迭代器來實作和標準化列舉模式
• 知道何時捕捉例外—並在本地處理或傳播它們
• 查詢元資料並透過反射促進延遲綁定
• 使用鎖、事件、互斥鎖及其他工具來同步執行緒
• 使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 偵錯器,並探索進階的偵錯技術和工具