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$970Introduction to Algorithms, 2/e
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$1,029Operating System Concepts, 6/e (Windows XP Update)
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The definitive guide to using Microsoft Visual C#™ .NET to develop stand-alone applications for Microsoft Windows and Web-enabled Microsoft .NET applications
Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects .NET (ADO.NET) is a set of libraries included with the Microsoft .NET Framework that helps you communicate with data from .NET-based applications—including XML data. Discover how to access, sort, and manipulate data in Web-enabled enterprise applications with this book. You’ll get expert guidance and insider tips from a leading database and ADO authority about how to write, test, and debug database code with the tools and wizards in Visual Studio .NET. You’ll also learn about the improved ADO.NET object model, its XML features for Web extensibility, its enhanced integration with Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000, and more. Topics covered in this guide include:
• Overview of ADO.NET
• Building applications with the Data Form Wizard
• Connecting to your database
• Querying your database
• Working with DataAdapters
• Storing data in DataSets
• Filtering and searching data in DataSets
• Working with relational data
• Submitting updates to your database
• Advanced updating scenarios
• Using strongly typed DataSets
• Interacting with XML data
• Building effective Windows® database applications
• Building effective Web database applications
• A fully searchable electronic copy of the book
• Sample code in C# and Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET (also available from the link on this page)
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments | xvii |
Introduction | xix |
1 Overview of ADO.NET | 3 |
Why a New Object Model? | 3 |
The ADO.NET Object Model | 5 |
.NET Data Providers | 6 |
Why Use Separate Classes and Libraries? | 8 |
Coverage of .NET Data Providers in This Book | 10 |
Connected Objects | 10 |
Disconnected Objects | 13 |
Metadata | 20 |
Strongly Typed DataSet Objects | 21 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 23 |
2 Building ADO.NET Applications with the DataForm Wizard | 25 |
Everyone Loves a Demo | 25 |
Using the Data Form Wizard to Build a Data-Bound Form | 26 |
Choosing a Connection | 29 |
Selecting Tables from Your Database | 32 |
Creating Relationships in Your DataSet | 32 |
Selecting Columns to Display | 33 |
Choosing a Display Style | 34 |
Using the New Data-Bound Form | 35 |
Showing Data in Your New Data-Bound Form | 37 |
Cascading Changes with the DataRelation Object | 38 |
Submitting Changes to Your Database | 39 |
The Component Tray | 43 |
The Data Form Wizard as a Starting Point | 45 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 45 |
3 Connecting to Your Database | 49 |
Using Connection Objects | 50 |
Creating Connection Objects | 54 |
Connection Strings | 55 |
Opening and Closing Connections | 60 |
Connection Pooling | 61 |
Destroying Connections | 65 |
Using Connections to Create Other Objects | 65 |
Retrieving Database Schema Information | 68 |
Visual Studio .NET Design-Time Features | 70 |
Working with Connections in Server Explorer | 70 |
Adding a Data Connection to Server Explorer | 72 |
Adding Connections to Your Application | 75 |
Using the New Connection at Run Time | 77 |
Where's the Code? | 78 |
OleDbConnection Object Reference | 79 |
Properties of the OleDbConnection Object | 80 |
Methods of the OleDbConnection Object | 84 |
Events of the OleDbConnection Object | 90 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 94 |
4 Querying Your Database | 97 |
Using Command Objects in Code | 97 |
Creating a Command Object | 97 |
Executing a Non-Row-Returning Query | 98 |
Using a DataReader Object to Examine the Results of a Query | 101 |
Executing a Query That Returns a Single Value | 110 |
Executing a Parameterized Query | 111 |
Calling a Stored Procedure | 113 |
Retrieving Data from Output Parameters | 115 |
Executing a Query Within a Transaction | 117 |
Creating Commands in Visual Studio .NET | 118 |
Dragging and Dropping from the Toolbox | 118 |
Specifying a Connection | 119 |
Using Query Builder | 120 |
Using Your New Command Object in Code | 122 |
Dragging and Dropping from Server Explorer | 124 |
Command, DataReader, and Parameter Object Reference | 125 |
Properties of the OleDbCommand Object | 126 |
Methods of the OleDbCommand Object | 129 |
Properties of the OleDbDataReader Object | 134 |
Methods of the OleDbDataReader Object | 135 |
Creating Parameter Objects | 141 |
Properties of the OleDbParameter Object | 141 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 145 |
5 Retrieving Data Using DataAdapter Objects | 157 |
What Is a DataAdapter Object? | 158 |
How the DataAdapter Differs from Other Query Objects | 158 |
Anatomy of the DataAdapter | 161 |
Creating and Using DataAdapter Objects | 164 |
Creating a DataAdapter | 164 |
Retrieving Results from a Query | 166 |
Mapping the Results of Your Query to Your DataSet | 172 |
Working with Batch Queries | 174 |
Retrieving Rows from a Stored Procedure | 175 |
Fetching Schema Information | 176 |
Creating DataAdapter Objects in Visual Studio .NET | 177 |
Dragging and Dropping a DataAdapter from the Toolbox | 178 |
Using the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard | 178 |
Dragging and Dropping from Server Explorer | 183 |
Previewing the Results of Your DataAdapter | 184 |
Examining the Code that the Wizard Generated | 185 |
DataAdapter Reference | 185 |
Properties of the DataAdapter Object | 185 |
Methods of the DataAdapter Object | 191 |
Events of the DataAdapter Object | 198 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 201 |
6 Working with DataSet Objects | 205 |
Features of the DataSet Object | 205 |
Working with Disconnected Data | 206 |
Scrolling, Sorting, Searching, and Filtering | 206 |
Working with Hierarchical Data | 206 |
Caching Changes | 207 |
XML Integration | 207 |
Uniform Functionality | 207 |
Using DataSet Objects | 208 |
Creating a DataSet Object | 208 |
Examining the Structure Created by Calling DataAdapter.Fill | 209 |
Examining the Data Returned by a DataAdapter | 211 |
Validating Data in Your DataSet | 214 |
Creating DataTable Objects in Code | 219 |
Modifying the Contents of a DataTable | 235 |
Working with DataSet Objects in Visual Studio .NET | 247 |
Generating a DataSet from DataAdapter Objects | 247 |
Creating a New DataSet from Scratch | 250 |
Creating an Untyped DataSet | 254 |
DataSet, DataTable, DataColumn, DataRow, UniqueConstraint, and ForeignKeyConstraint Object Reference | 258 |
Properties of the DataSet Object | 258 |
Methods of the DataSet Object | 263 |
Events of the DataSet Object | 267 |
Properties of the DataTable Object | 267 |
Methods of the DataTable Object | 272 |
Events of the DataTable Object | 277 |
Properties of the DataColumn Object | 278 |
Properties of the DataRow Object | 285 |
Methods of the DataRow Object | 286 |
Properties of the UniqueConstraint Object | 293 |
Properties of the ForeignKeyConstraint Object | 294 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 296 |
7 Working with Relational Data | 299 |
A Brief Overview of Relational Data Access | 300 |
Join Queries | 300 |
Separate Queries | 302 |
Hierarchical ADO Recordset Objects | 302 |
ADO.NET DataRelation Objects | 303 |
Working with DataRelation Objects in Code | 304 |
Creating DataRelation Objects | 305 |
Locating Related Data | 308 |
Using DataRelation Objects to Validate Your Data | 311 |
Self-Referencing DataRelationship Objects | 315 |
Many-to-Many Relationships | 317 |
Using DataRelation Objects in Expression-Based DataColumn Objects | 320 |
Cascading Changes | 323 |
Moving Away from Join Queries | 325 |
Creating DataRelation Objects in Visual Studio .NET | 325 |
Adding a DataRelation to a Strongly Typed DataSet | 325 |
Adding a DataRelation to an Untyped DataSet | 327 |
DataRelation Object Reference | 328 |
Properties of the DataRelation Object | 328 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 332 |
8 Sorting, Searching, and Filtering | 337 |
Using the DataTable Object's Searching and Filtering Features | 337 |
Locating a Row by Its Primary Key Values | 337 |
Conducting More Dynamic Searches | 340 |
Conducting Wildcard Searches | 341 |
Working with Delimiters | 341 |
Using the Additional Select Methods | 344 |
What Is a DataView Object? | 346 |
DataView Objects Return Data from a DataTable | 346 |
DataView Objects Are Not SQL Queries | 347 |
Working with DataView Objects in Code | 348 |
Creating DataView Objects | 348 |
Using the RowStateFilter Property | 349 |
Using the DataRowView Object | 350 |
Examining All Rows of Data Available Through a DataView | 351 |
Searching for Data in a DataView | 352 |
Modifying DataRowView Objects | 355 |
Creating DataView Objects in Visual Studio .NET | 356 |
Adding a New DataView Object to Your Designer | 356 |
Setting Properties of Your DataView Object | 356 |
DataView Object Reference | 357 |
Properties of the DataView Object | 357 |
Methods of the DataView Object | 361 |
The ListChanged Event of the DataView Object | 365 |
Properties of the DataRowView Object | 366 |
Methods of the DataRowView Object | 367 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 369 |
9 Working with Strongly Typed DataSet Objects | 375 |
Creating Strongly Typed DataSet Objects | 376 |
The Hard Way | 376 |
The Easy Way | 379 |
Using Strongly Typed DataSet Objects | 382 |
Adding a Row | 382 |
Finding a Row | 384 |
Editing a Row | 385 |
Working with Null Data | 386 |
Working with Hierarchical Data | 387 |
Other DataSet, DataTable, and DataRow Features | 389 |
When to Use Strongly Typed DataSet Objects | 389 |
Software Components and Swiss Army Knives | 389 |
Design-Time Benefits | 390 |
Run-Time Benefits | 391 |
Additional Considerations | 394 |
Choosing Your Path | 397 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 397 |
10 Submitting Updates to Your Database | 401 |
A History Lesson | 404 |
Benefits of Submitting Updates Using ADO Recordset Objects | 405 |
Drawbacks of Submitting Updates Using ADO Recordset Objects | 406 |
Using ADO.NET Command Objects to Submit Updates | 407 |
Using ADO.NET DataAdapter Objects to Submit Updates | 419 |
Manually Configuring Your DataAdapter Objects | 419 |
Introducing Bound Parameters | 419 |
Using Stored Procedures to Submit Updates | 424 |
Supplying Your Own Updating Logic | 430 |
Using the CommandBuilder Object to Generate Updating Logic | 431 |
How the CommandBuilder Generates Updating Logic | 432 |
Benefits and Drawbacks of Using the CommandBuilder | 434 |
Using the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard to Generate Updating Logic | 434 |
Examining the Structure of the DataAdapter | 435 |
Options for Building Updating Logic | 436 |
Using Stored Procedures to Submit Updates | 437 |
Benefits and Drawbacks of Using the Wizard | 441 |
Other Updating Concerns | 441 |
Optimistic Concurrency Options | 441 |
Working with Null Values | 446 |
Submitting Updates in Transactions | 447 |
Using the TableMappings Collection | 451 |
The Best Way to Update | 454 |
OleDbCommandBuilder Object Reference | 455 |
Properties of the OleDbCommandBuilder Object | 455 |
Methods of the OleDbCommandBuilder Object | 456 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 458 |
11 Advanced Updating Scenarios | 467 |
Refreshing a Row After Submitting an Update | 468 |
Retrieving the Newly Generated Value for the Timestamp Column After You Submit an Update | 469 |
Using Batch Queries to Retrieve Data After You Submit an Update | 469 |
Retrieving New Data Using Output Parameters | 471 |
Using the DataAdapter Object's RowUpdated Event to Retrieve Data After You Submit an Update | 472 |
The Timestamp Sample Application | 474 |
Retrieving Newly Generated Autoincrement Values | 474 |
Working with SQL Server | 475 |
Working with Access 2000 | 478 |
Working with Oracle Sequences | 478 |
Sample Applications That Retrieve Autoincrement Values | 481 |
Using SQL Server's NOCOUNT Setting | 482 |
Submitting Hierarchical Changes | 485 |
Submitting Pending Insertions and Deletions | 485 |
Working with Autoincrement Values and Relational Data | 488 |
Isolating and Reintegrating Changes | 490 |
Saving Bandwidth Using the GetChanges Method | 491 |
Handling Failed Update Attempts Elegantly | 503 |
Planning Ahead for Conflicts | 503 |
Informing the User of Failures | 504 |
Fetching the Current Contents of Conflicting Rows | 506 |
If at First You Don't Succeed. | 508 |
The Conflicts Sample Application | 509 |
Working with Distributed Transactions | 510 |
Transaction Coordinators and Resource Managers | 512 |
Distributed Transactions in the .NET Framework | 513 |
Database Support for Distributed Transactions | 514 |
Building Your Components | 514 |
The DistributedTransaction Sample Application | 518 |
Other Benefits of Using Component Services | 519 |
When Handling Advanced Updating Scenarios, Use ADO.NET | 519 |
Questions That Should Be Asked More Frequently | 520 |
12 Working with XML Data | 523 |
Bridging the Gap Between XML and Data Access | 523 |
Reading and Writing XML Data | 524 |
The DataSet Object's XML Methods | 524 |
Inferring Schemas | 528 |
ADO.NET Properties That Affect the Schema of Your XML Document | 529 |
Caching Changes and XML Documents | 531 |
DataSet + XmlDocument = XmlDataDocument | 534 |
Using the XmlDataDocument Object | 534 |
Accessing Your DataSet as an XML Document | 534 |
Caching Updates to the XML Document | 536 |
Retrieving XML Data from SQL Server 2000 | 537 |
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