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In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, Sams Teach Yourself Arduino Programming in 24 Hours teaches you C programmingon Arduino, so you can start creating inspired “DIY” hardwareprojects of your own! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-stepapproach, you’ll walk through everything from setting up yourprogramming environment to mastering C syntax and features, interfacing your Arduino to performing full-fledged prototyping.Every hands-on lesson and example builds on what you’ve alreadylearned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success!
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Arduino programming tasks.
Quizzes at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
By the Way notes present interesting information related to the discussion.
Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.
Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to...
- Get the right Arduino hardware and accessories for your needs
- Download the Arduino IDE, install it, and link it to your Arduino
- Quickly create, compile, upload, and run your first Arduino program
- Master C syntax, decision control, strings, data structures, and functions
- Use pointers to work with memory—and avoid common mistakes
- Store data on your Arduino’s EEPROM or an external SD card
- Use existing hardware libraries, or create your own
- Send output and read input from analog devices or digital interfaces
- Create and handle interrupts in software and hardware
- Communicate with devices via the SPI interface and I2C protocol
- Work with analog and digital sensors
- Write Arduino C programs that control motors
- Connect an LCD to your Arduino, and code the output
- Install an Ethernet shield, configure an Ethernet connection, and write networking programs
- Create prototyping environments, use prototyping shields, and interface electronics to your Arduino
在僅僅24個小時或更少的時間內,《Sams Teach Yourself Arduino Programming in 24 Hours》將教授您如何在Arduino上使用C編程,以便您可以開始創建自己的啟發式“DIY”硬件項目!通過本書的直觀、逐步的方法,您將從設置編程環境到掌握C語法和功能,再到將Arduino與完整的原型設計相互連接,進行全面的實踐。每個實踐課程和示例都建立在您已經學到的基礎上,為您在現實世界中取得成功打下堅實的基礎!
- 獲取適合您需求的正確Arduino硬件和配件
- 下載Arduino IDE,安裝它並將其連接到您的Arduino
- 快速創建、編譯、上傳和運行您的第一個Arduino程序
- 掌握C語法、決策控制、字符串、數據結構和函數
- 使用指針處理內存並避免常見錯誤
- 在Arduino的EEPROM或外部SD卡上存儲數據
- 使用現有的硬件庫,或創建您自己的庫
- 向模擬設備或數字接口輸出和讀取輸入
- 在軟件和硬件中創建和處理中斷
- 通過SPI接口和I2C協議與設備通信
- 使用模擬和數字傳感器
- 編寫控制馬達的Arduino C程序
- 將LCD連接到您的Arduino並編寫輸出代碼
- 安裝以太網盾,配置以太網連接並編寫網絡程序
- 創建原型環境,使用原型盾並將電子設備與您的Arduino相互連接