In Full Color!
In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to make your own animations, games, simulations, and interactive stories with MIT Media Lab’s amazingly easy Scratch 2.0! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll walk through everything from joining the global Scratch community to adding audio/video and sensing the outside environment. You’ll learn to write reliable, efficient code and take advantage of millions of Scratch programs shared online. Every hands-on lesson builds upon what you’ve already learned, fully preparing you to create inspired projects of your own!
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Scratch 2.0 programming tasks.
Quizzes at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
Challenges give you the opportunity to extend upon what you’ve learned in each chapter and flex your new-found programming skills.
Notes present interesting information related to the discussion.
Tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.
Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to…
In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to make your own animations, games, simulations, and interactive stories with MIT Media Lab’s amazingly easy Scratch 2.0! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll walk through everything from joining the global Scratch community to adding audio/video and sensing the outside environment. You’ll learn to write reliable, efficient code and take advantage of millions of Scratch programs shared online. Every hands-on lesson builds upon what you’ve already learned, fully preparing you to create inspired projects of your own!
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Scratch 2.0 programming tasks.
Quizzes at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
Challenges give you the opportunity to extend upon what you’ve learned in each chapter and flex your new-found programming skills.
Notes present interesting information related to the discussion.
Tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.
Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to…
- Create your first project
- Master basic features including the Stage, Backdrops, Sprites, and Costumes
- Make things happen with Motion blocks
- Add sophisticated logic without complicated coding
- Use audio and video you capture with a webcam or microphone
- Include your own drawings in your projects
- Sense what your game’s players are doing and interact with them
- Write programs that respond to outside changes such as temperature and touch
- Test your projects to find and fix problems
- Document and publish projects so others can help you improve them
- “Remix” projects with online Scratch code and content
- Create games with multiple game screens and button controls
- Master skills you can use with even the most powerful programming languages
在短短24個小時內,學習如何使用麻省理工學院媒體實驗室的Scratch 2.0製作自己的動畫、遊戲、模擬和互動故事!透過本書簡單明瞭的逐步指導,您將從加入全球Scratch社群開始,學習如何添加音頻/視頻並感知外部環境。您將學會編寫可靠且高效的程式碼,並利用網上分享的數百萬個Scratch程式。每一堂實作課程都建立在您已經學過的知識之上,充分準備您創建靈感十足的專案!
逐步指導仔細引導您完成最常見的Scratch 2.0程式設計任務。
- 創建您的第一個專案
- 掌握基本功能,包括舞台、背景、精靈和服裝
- 使用運動積木讓事情發生
- 在不複雜編碼的情況下添加複雜邏輯
- 使用您用網路攝影機或麥克風捕捉的音頻和視頻
- 在您的專案中包含自己的繪圖
- 感知遊戲玩家的行為並與他們互動
- 編寫對外部變化(如溫度和觸摸)做出反應的程式
- 測試您的專案以找出並修正問題
- 記錄並發布專案,以便其他人幫助您改進
- 使用線上Scratch程式碼和內容“重新混合”專案
- 創建具有多個遊戲畫面和按鈕控制的遊戲
- 掌握即使在最強大的程式語言中也能使用的技能