The eagerly-anticipated Ubuntu Touch brings one of the world's most powerful open source operating systems to a whole new world of devices: tablets, smartphones, and beyond. Ubuntu Touch is the first and only comprehensive introduction to Canonical's exciting new mobile operating system. Perfect for everyone from adventurous early adopters to developers and support professionals, it will be especially valuable to the millions of open source aficionados who've made Ubuntu the #1 desktop distribution of Linux. Best-selling author and influential tech blogger Mike McCallister covers all this, and more:
- Getting started with Ubuntu Touch, and navigate its unique, button-less interface
- Installing Ubuntu Touch on an Android device (including setting up dual-boot)
- What Android, iOS, and Windows Phone users need to know to get productive fast
- Using Ubuntu Touch's "Core Apps": Calendar, To-Dos, Reminders, and more
- Setting up email accounts and RSS feeds
- Using productivity tools, from LibreOffice to PDF readers
- Connecting to Ubuntu One Music, Ubuntu TV, YouTube, and other media resources
- Socializing on Facebook
- Finding the best third-party apps (since there's no specific Ubuntu Touch store)
- Managing your files locally and through Ubuntu One's cloud storage
- Getting help, troubleshoot problems, and connect with the worldwide Ubuntu community
- Getting started developing native or HTML5 apps for Ubuntu Touch
期待已久的 Ubuntu Touch 將全球最強大的開源作業系統帶入全新的設備世界:平板電腦、智慧型手機等。 Ubuntu Touch 是 Canonical 令人興奮的新行動作業系統的首部且唯一的全面介紹。無論是冒險的早期採用者、開發人員還是支援專業人員,這本書都非常適合,對於那些使 Ubuntu 成為 Linux 第一桌面發行版的數百萬開源愛好者來說,尤其具有價值。暢銷書作者及有影響力的科技部落客 Mike McCallister 將涵蓋以下內容,以及更多:
- 開始使用 Ubuntu Touch,並導航其獨特的無按鈕介面
- 在 Android 設備上安裝 Ubuntu Touch(包括設置雙啟動)
- Android、iOS 和 Windows Phone 使用者需要知道的快速提升生產力的資訊
- 使用 Ubuntu Touch 的「核心應用程式」:日曆、待辦事項、提醒等
- 設置電子郵件帳戶和 RSS 源
- 使用生產力工具,從 LibreOffice 到 PDF 閱讀器
- 連接到 Ubuntu One 音樂、Ubuntu TV、YouTube 和其他媒體資源
- 在 Facebook 上社交
- 尋找最佳的第三方應用程式(因為沒有特定的 Ubuntu Touch 商店)
- 本地管理檔案及透過 Ubuntu One 的雲端儲存
- 獲取幫助、排除問題,並與全球 Ubuntu 社群連結
- 開始為 Ubuntu Touch 開發原生或 HTML5 應用程式