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In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to build great Windows Store apps, Windows desktop applications, and Web applications with C# 5.0. Using this tutorial’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll master everything from the absolute basics to the newest innovations, so you can solve real problems with C#. One step at a time, you’ll learn core techniques like flow control and error handling, construct complete solutions with Visual Studio, use advanced features like attributes and dynamic types, and even build engaging, immersive Windows Store apps. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a strong real-world foundation for success, even if you’ve never programmed with C# 5.0 before!
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common C# programming tasks.
Quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
Notes and tips present interesting information related to the discussion.
Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to...
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common C# programming tasks.
Quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
Notes and tips present interesting information related to the discussion.
Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to...
- Gain a holistic understanding of C# 5.0, .NET, and Visual Studio 2012
- Use classes and objects “the C# way”
- Master the C# type system, inheritance, interfaces, and abstract classes
- Define, initiate, respond to, and send data through events
- Work with loops, strings, regular expressions, and collections
- Ensure type safety and promote code reuse with generics and collections
- Work with data in all forms, from file systems and streams to XML and databases
- Use advanced features such as attributes, dynamic types, and anonymous functions
- Build and debug C# applications with Visual Studio 2012
- Create state-of-the-art Windows Store apps with the async pattern
- Improve performance and reliability by managing memory more effectively
- Build more responsive software with threads, concurrency, and parallelism
在僅僅24個小時或更少的時間內,透過這本教程的直觀、逐步的方法,學習如何使用C# 5.0建立出色的Windows Store應用程式、Windows桌面應用程式和Web應用程式。從絕對基礎知識到最新的創新,您將掌握一切,以便能夠使用C#解決真實問題。逐步學習核心技術,如流程控制和錯誤處理,使用Visual Studio構建完整解決方案,使用屬性和動態類型等高級功能,甚至構建引人入勝的Windows Store應用程式。每一課都建立在您已經學到的基礎上,為您提供堅實的現實世界基礎,即使您以前從未使用過C# 5.0進行編程!
- 全面了解C# 5.0、.NET和Visual Studio 2012
- 使用類和對象的"C#方式"
- 掌握C#類型系統、繼承、接口和抽象類
- 定義、初始化、響應和發送事件數據
- 使用循環、字符串、正則表達式和集合
- 通過泛型和集合確保類型安全性並促進代碼重用
- 使用各種形式的數據,從文件系統和流到XML和數據庫
- 使用屬性、動態類型和匿名函數等高級功能
- 使用Visual Studio 2012構建和調試C#應用程式
- 使用異步模式創建最先進的Windows Store應用程式
- 通過更有效地管理內存來提高性能和可靠性
- 使用線程、並發性和平行性構建更具響應性的軟體