$580$464 -
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$490$387 -
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$580$458 -
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$680$578 -
$580$458 -
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$550$435 -
$360$252 -
$690$545 -
$450$383 -
Sams Teach Yourself Basecamp in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. By working through 10-minute lessons, you’ll learn everything you need to know to quickly and easily get up to speed with Basecamp.
10 minutes is all you need to learn how to…
- Choose the right subscription plan for your needs
- Get started fast with collaborative project management
- Customize your Basecamp workspace
- Efficiently manage people, companies, and permissions
- Define, populate, search, and manage projects
- Enter and track milestones, “To Do” lists, and scheduling information
- Use iCalendar and integrate with your company’s other calendar tools
- Post messages and share files
- Collaborate with Basecamp’s Writeboard, Chat, and RSS tools
- Quickly view project activity on the Dashboard
- Simplify access with 37signals ID and Launchpad
- Extend Basecamp with reporting, charting, billing, and accounting
- Integrate Basecamp with the iPhone and other smartphones
《Sams Teach Yourself Basecamp in 10 Minutes》提供直接、實用的答案,讓您在需要快速結果時能夠迅速上手。透過進行10分鐘的課程,您將學習到一切需要知道的內容,以便快速且輕鬆地掌握Basecamp。
- 選擇適合您需求的訂閱計劃
- 快速開始協作專案管理
- 自訂您的Basecamp工作區
- 高效管理人員、公司和權限
- 定義、填充、搜索和管理專案
- 輸入和追蹤里程碑、待辦清單和排程資訊
- 使用iCalendar並與公司的其他日曆工具整合
- 張貼訊息並分享檔案
- 使用Basecamp的Writeboard、Chat和RSS工具進行協作
- 在儀表板上快速查看專案活動
- 透過37signals ID和Launchpad簡化存取
- 透過報告、圖表、帳單和會計功能擴展Basecamp
- 將Basecamp與iPhone和其他智慧型手機整合