Want a personal or business blog of your own? It’s easy! In this simple guide, one of the world’s most experienced bloggers walks you through every step, from getting started to building a worldwide audience. Tris Hussey covers it all, from low-cost blogging tools to high-powered writing tips! Get this book, and get started fast–with a professional-quality blog that meets your goals, whatever they are!
Build great blogs like these, the easy way!
- Personal Blogs
- Business Blogs
- Blogs for Podcasting
- Video Blogs
- Portfolio Blogs for Artists
- Lifestreaming Blogs
Learn from a pro! Discover tips, tricks, and great solutions for:
- Setting up your blog the right way–in just minutes!
- Writing blog entries people want to read
- Handling comments–even nasty ones!
- Creating a conversation and building a community
- Publicizing your blog
- Choosing the right free or low-cost blogging tools
- Avoiding beginner mistakes
- Earning cash from your blog!
You won’t believe how easy it is to create your own blog… or how much fun!
想擁有自己的個人或商業部落格嗎?這很簡單!在這本簡單的指南中,全球最有經驗的部落客之一將帶您逐步了解從開始到建立全球受眾的每一個步驟。Tris Hussey 涵蓋了所有內容,從低成本的部落格工具到高效的寫作技巧!獲得這本書,快速開始——擁有一個符合您目標的專業品質部落格,無論您的目標是什麼!
- 個人部落格
- 商業部落格
- 播客部落格
- 影片部落格
- 藝術家作品集部落格
- 生活串流部落格
- 正確設置您的部落格——只需幾分鐘!
- 撰寫人們想閱讀的部落格文章
- 處理評論——即使是惡意的評論!
- 創造對話並建立社群
- 宣傳您的部落格
- 選擇合適的免費或低成本部落格工具
- 避免初學者的錯誤
- 從您的部落格賺取現金!