$525Essential PHP for Web Professionals
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$990Expert PHP and MySQL (Paperback)
If you were traveling in Spain, but couldn't speak Spanish very well, you'd probably carry a Spanish dictionary with you. If you are a PHP developer who needs a portable reference guide for frequent use in your job, the PHP Phrasebook is perfect for you. The PHP Phrasebook is actually a pocket guide that is jam-packed with useful and essential PHP code "phrases" for the PHP developer's everyday use. The code is flexible, so it can be easily adapted to your needs and mulitple situations, and your time isn't wasted wading through chapters of tutorial lessons and extraneous information. The phrasebook covers PHP 5 and is relevant for PHP 4.
Table of Contents:
1. Manipulating Strings.
Comparing Strings
Checking Usernames and Passwords
Converting Strings into Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Using Line Breaks
Encrypting Strings
Checksumming Strings
Extracting Substrings
Protecting Email Addresses Using ASCII Codes
Scanning Formatted Strings
Getting Detailed Information About Variables
Searching in Strings
Using POSIX Regular Expressions
Using Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions
Finding Tags with Regular Expressions
Validating Mandatory Input
Validating Numbers (and Other Data Types)
Validating Email Addresses
Search and Replace
2. Working with Arrays.
Accessing All Elements of Numerical Arrays
Accessing All Elements of Associative Arrays
Accessing All Array Elements in Nested Arrays
Turning an Array into Variables
Converting Strings to Arrays
Converting Arrays to Strings
Sorting Arrays Alphabetically
Sorting Associative Arrays Alphabetically
Sorting Nested Arrays
Sorting Nested Associative Arrays
Sorting IP Addresses (as a Human Would)
Sorting Anything
Sorting with Foreign Languages
Applying an Effect to All Array Elements
Filtering Arrays
Getting Random Elements Out of Arrays
3. Date and Time.
Using Text Within date()
Automatically Localizing Dates
Manually Localizing Dates
Using the Current Date the U.S./U.K./European Way
Formatting a Specific Date
Validating a Date
Calculating a Relative Date
Creating a Sortable Time Stamp
Converting a String into a Date
Determining Sunrise and Sunset
Using Date and Time for Benchmarks
Using Form Fields for Date Selection
Create Self-updating Form Fields for Date Selection
Calculating the Difference Between Two Dates
Using GMT Date/Time Information
4. Interacting with Web Forms.
Sending Form Data Back to the Current Script
Reading Out Form Data
Coping with "Magic Quotes"
Checking Whether a Form Has Been Submitted
Saving Form Data into a Cookie
Prefilling Text Fields and Password Fields
Prefilling Multiline Text Fields
Preselecting Radio Buttons
Preselecting Check Boxes
Preselecting Selection Lists
Preselecting Multiple Selection Lists
Processing Graphical Submit Buttons
Checking Mandatory Fields
Checking Selection Lists
Writing All Form Data into a File
Sending All Form Data Via Email
Getting Information About File Uploads
Moving Uploaded Files to a Safe Location
5. Remembering Users (Cookies and Sessions).
Understanding Cookies
Creating a Cookie
Reading Out Cookies
Getting Rid of "Magic Quotes" in Cookies
Setting a (Reasonable) Expiry Date
Setting a Client-Specific Expiry Date
Deleting a Cookie
Making Cookies Accessible for Several Domains
Checking Whether the Client Supports Cookies
Saving Multiple Data in One Cookie
Saving the User's Language Preference
Understanding Sessions
Where to Store the Sessions
How to Maintain the Session State
Activating Sessions
Reading and Writing Sessions
Closing Sessions
Changing the Session ID
Creating Dynamic, Session-Aware Links
Implementing a Custom Session Management
Creating a Secured Area with Sessions
Creating a Secured Area Without Sessions
6. Using Files on the Server File System.
Opening and Closing Files
Reading from Files
Writing to Files
Locking Files
Using Relative Paths for File Access
Avoiding Security Traps with File Access
Working with CSV Data
Parsing INI Files
Retrieving File Information
Copying, Moving, and Deleting Files
Browsing the File System
Using PHP Streams
Using Bzip2 Archives
Returning Files with an HTTP Request
7. Making Data Dynamic.
Connecting to MySQL
Connecting to MySQLi
Sending SQL to MySQL
Prepared Statements with MySQL
Retrieving Results of a Query to MySQL
Connecting to SQLite
Sending SQL to SQLite
Retrieving Results of a Query to SQLite
Connecting to PostgreSQL
Sending SQL to PostgreSQL
Updating Data in PostgreSQL
Retrieving Results of a Query to PostgreSQL
Connecting to Oracle
Sending SQL to Oracle
Retrieving Results of a Query to Oracle
Connecting to MSSQL
Sending SQL to MSSQL
Retrieving Results of a Query to MSSQL
Connecting to Firebird
Sending SQL to Firebird
Retrieving Results of a Query to Firebird
Connecting Via PDO
Sending SQL Via PDO
Retrieving Results of a Query Via PDO
8. Using XML.
Parsing XML with SAX
Using DOM in PHP 4 to Read XML
Using DOM in PHP 5 to Read XML
Using DOM in PHP 4 to Write XML
Using DOM in PHP 5 to Write XML
Using SimpleXML
Transforming XML with XSL and PHP 4
Transforming XML with XSL and PHP 5
Validating XML
9. Communicating with Others.
Connecting with HTTP Servers
Connecting with FTP Servers
Checking Whether a Server Is Still Reacting
Creating a Web Service with PEAR::XML-RPC
Consuming a Web Service with PEAR::XML-RPC
Creating a Web Service with NuSOAP
Automatically Generating WSDL with NuSOAP
Consuming a Web Service with NuSOAP
Creating a Web Service with PEAR::SOAP
Automatically Generating WSDL with PEAR::SOAP
Consuming a Web Service with PEAR::SOAP
Creating a Web Service with PHP 5's SOAP Extension
Consuming a Web Service with PHP 5's SOAP Extension
如果你在西班牙旅行,但西班牙語說得不太好,你可能會隨身攜帶一本西班牙語字典。如果你是一名 PHP 開發者,需要一本便於隨時查閱的參考指南,PHP 短語手冊非常適合你。PHP 短語手冊實際上是一個口袋指南,裡面裝滿了對於 PHP 開發者日常使用的有用和必要的 PHP 代碼「短語」。這些代碼靈活多變,可以輕鬆適應你的需求和多種情境,讓你不必浪費時間翻閱冗長的教學章節和多餘的信息。該短語手冊涵蓋 PHP 5,並且對 PHP 4 也有參考價值。
1. 操作字串。
- 比較字串
- 檢查用戶名和密碼
- 將字串轉換為超文本標記語言 (HTML)
- 使用換行符
- 加密字串
- 計算字串的檢查和
- 提取子字串
- 使用 ASCII 代碼保護電子郵件地址
- 掃描格式化字串
- 獲取變數的詳細信息
- 在字串中搜尋
- 使用 POSIX 正則表達式
- 使用 Perl 相容的正則表達式
- 使用正則表達式查找標籤
- 驗證必填輸入
- 驗證數字(及其他數據類型)
- 驗證電子郵件地址
- 搜尋和替換
2. 操作陣列。
- 訪問數值陣列的所有元素
- 訪問關聯陣列的所有元素
- 訪問巢狀陣列的所有元素
- 將陣列轉換為變數
- 將字串轉換為陣列
- 將陣列轉換為字串
- 按字母順序排序陣列
- 按字母順序排序關聯陣列
- 排序巢狀陣列
- 排序巢狀關聯陣列
- 按人類可讀的方式排序 IP 地址
- 排序任何內容
- 使用外語排序
- 對所有陣列元素應用效果
- 過濾陣列
- 從陣列中獲取隨機元素
3. 日期和時間。
- 在 date() 中使用文本
- 自動本地化日期
- 手動本地化日期
- 使用美國/英國/歐洲的當前日期
- 格式化特定日期
- 驗證日期
- 計算相對日期
- 創建可排序的時間戳
- 將字串轉換為日期
- 確定日出和日落
- 使用日期和時間進行基準測試
- 使用表單欄位進行日期選擇
- 創建自動更新的表單欄位以進行日期選擇
- 計算兩個日期之間的差異
- 使用 GMT 日期/時間信息
4. 與網頁表單互動。
- 將表單數據發送回當前腳本
- 讀取表單數據
- 處理「魔術引號」
- 檢查表單是否已提交
- 將表單數據保存到 Cookie
- 預填文本欄位和密碼欄位
- 預填多行文本欄位
- 預選單選按鈕
- 預選複選框