Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making App Store Apps Without Objective-C or Cocoa (Paperback)

Jonathan Stark




What people are saying about Building iPhone Apps w/ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

"The future of mobile development is clearly web technologies like CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Jonathan Stark shows you how to leverage your existing web development skills to build native iPhone applications using these technologies."

--John Allsopp, author and founder of Web Directions

"Jonathan's book is the most comprehensive documentation available for developing web applications for mobile Safari. Not just great tech coverage, this book is an easy read of purely fascinating mobile tidbits in a fun colloquial style. Must have for all PhoneGap developers."

-- Brian LeRoux, Nitobi Software

It's a fact: if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop your own iPhone apps. With this book, you'll learn how to use these open source web technologies to design and build apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch on the platform of your choice-without using Objective-C or Cocoa.

Device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and this book shows you how to create one product for several platforms. You'll find guidelines for converting your product into a native iPhone app using the free PhoneGap framework. And you'll learn why releasing your product as a web app first helps you find, fix, and test bugs much faster than if you went straight to the App Store with a product built with Apple's tools.

  • Build iPhone apps with tools you already know how to use
  • Learn how to make an existing website look and behave like an iPhone app
  • Add native-looking animations to your web app using jQTouch
  • Take advantage of client-side data storage with apps that run even when the iPhone is offline
  • Hook into advanced iPhone features -- including the accelerometer, geolocation, and vibration -- with JavaScript
  • Submit your applications to the App Store with Xcode

This book received valuable community input through O'Reilly's Open Feedback Publishing System (OFPS). Learn more at


「關於《使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 建立 iPhone 應用程式》的評價」

「未來的行動應用程式開發明顯會使用像 CSS、HTML 和 JavaScript 這樣的網頁技術。Jonathan Stark 展示了如何運用現有的網頁開發技能,使用這些技術建立原生的 iPhone 應用程式。」
- John Allsopp,作家兼 Web Directions 創辦人

「Jonathan 的書是目前最全面的文件,用於開發針對行動 Safari 的網頁應用程式。這本書不僅涵蓋了很棒的技術內容,還以有趣的口語風格輕鬆閱讀,提供了有關行動應用程式的迷人小知識。對於所有 PhoneGap 開發者來說,這是必備的。」
- Brian LeRoux,Nitobi Software

事實上,如果你懂 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript,你已經具備開發自己 iPhone 應用程式所需的工具。這本書將教你如何使用這些開源網頁技術,在你選擇的平台上設計和建立 iPhone 和 iPod Touch 的應用程式,而不需要使用 Objective-C 或 Cocoa。

跨設備的行動應用程式是未來的趨勢,這本書將教你如何為多個平台創建一個產品。你將找到將你的產品轉換為原生 iPhone 應用程式的指南,並了解為什麼首先將你的產品作為網頁應用程式發布,可以比使用蘋果工具直接進入 App Store 更快地找到、修復和測試錯誤。

- 使用你已經熟悉的工具來建立 iPhone 應用程式
- 學習如何使現有網站看起來和行為像 iPhone 應用程式
- 使用 jQTouch 為你的網頁應用程式添加原生外觀的動畫效果
- 利用客戶端數據存儲,使應用程式在 iPhone 脫機時仍能運行
- 使用 JavaScript 連接高級 iPhone 功能,包括加速度計、地理定位和震動
- 使用 Xcode 將你的應用程式提交到 App Store

本書通過 O'Reilly 的開放反饋出版系統(OFPS)獲得了寶貴的社區意見。詳情請參閱。