Your Body: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

Matthew MacDonald

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2009-09-01
  • 定價: $875
  • 售價: 2.3$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 306
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596801742
  • ISBN-13: 9780596801748
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




What, exactly, do you know about your body? Do you know how your immune system works? Or what your pancreas does? Or the myriad -- and often simple -- ways you can improve the way your body functions?

This full-color, visually rich guide answers these questions and more. Matthew MacDonald, noted author of Your Brain: The Missing Manual, takes you on a fascinating tour of your body from the outside in, beginning with your skin and progressing to your vital organs. You'll look at the quirks, curiosities, and shortcomings we've all learned to live with, and pick up just enough biology to understand how your body works. You'll learn:

  • That you shed skin more frequently than snakes do
  • Why the number of fat cells you have rarely changes, no matter how much you diet or exercise -- they simply get bigger or smaller
  • How you can measure and control fat
  • That your hair is made from the same stuff as horses' hooves
  • That you use only a small amount of the oxygen you inhale
  • Why blood pressure is a more important health measure than heart rate -- with four ways to lower dangerously high blood pressure
  • Why our bodies crave foods that make us fat
  • How to use heart rate to shape an optimal workout session -- one that's neither too easy nor too strenuous
  • Why a tongue with just half a dozen taste buds can identify thousands of flavors
  • Why bacteria in your gut outnumbers cells in your body -- and what function they serve
  • Why we age, and why we can't turn back the clock
  • What happens to your body in the minutes after you die

Rather than dumbed-down self-help or dense medical text, Your Body: The Missing Manual is entertaining and packed with information you can use. It's a book that may well change your life.

Reader comments for Your Brain: The Missing Manual, also by author Matthew MacDonald:

"Popular books on the brain are often minefields of attractive but inaccurate information. This one manages to avoid most of the hype and easy faulty generalizations while providing easy to read and digest information about the brain. It has useful tricks without the breathless hype of many popular books."-- Elizabeth Zwicky, The Usenix Magazine

"...a unique guide that should be sought after by any who want to maximize what they can accomplish with their mental abilities and resources."-- James A. Cox, The Midwest Book Review - Wisconsin Bookwatch

"If you can't figure out how to use your brain after reading this guide, you may want to return your brain for another."-- The Sacramento Book Review, Volume 1, Issue 2, Page 19

"It's rare to find a book on any technical subject that is as well written and readable as Your Brain: The Missing Manual. The book covers pretty much anything you may want to know about your brain, from what makes it up, through how it develops to how to mitigate the affects of aging. The book is easy reading, fact packed and highlighted notes and practical applications. So if you want to learn more about your brain, how it works, how to get the best out of it or just want to stave off the ravages of Alzheimers (see chapter ten for details of how learning helps maintain your brain) then I can't recommend this book highly enough."-- Neil Davis,

"MacDonald's writing style is perfect for this kind of guide. It remains educational without becoming overly technical or using unexplained jargon. And even though the book covers a broad scope of topics, MacDonald keeps it well organized and easy to follow. The book captures your attention with fun facts and interesting studies that any person could apply to their own understanding of human ability. It has great descriptions of the brain and its interconnected parts, as well as providing full color pictures and diagrams to offer a better explanation of what the author is talking about."-- Janica Unruh, Blogcritics Magazine



這本全彩色、視覺豐富的指南回答了這些問題以及更多。馬修·麥克唐納德(Matthew MacDonald),著名作家《你的大腦:缺失的手冊》的作者,帶領你從外到內,帶你深入探索你的身體,從皮膚開始,逐步進入你的重要器官。你將了解到我們都學會了如何與身體的怪癖、奇特之處和不足相處,並且掌握足夠的生物學知識來理解身體的運作。你將學到:

- 你比蛇脫皮更頻繁
- 無論你節食還是運動多少,你的脂肪細胞數量很少改變,只是它們變大或變小
- 如何測量和控制脂肪
- 你的頭髮由與馬蹄相同的物質製成
- 你吸入的氧氣只有很少一部分被使用
- 為什麼血壓比心率更重要,以及降低危險高血壓的四種方法
- 為什麼我們的身體渴望讓我們變胖的食物
- 如何利用心率來塑造最佳的運動課程,既不太容易也不太費力
- 為什麼只有六個味蕾的舌頭可以識別成千上萬種風味
- 為什麼你腸道中的細菌數量超過你身體的細胞數量,以及它們的功能
- 為什麼我們會衰老,為什麼我們無法逆轉時鐘
- 你死後的幾分鐘內身體會發生什麼



「關於大腦的流行書籍通常充滿了吸引人但不準確的信息。這本書成功避開了大部分炒作和容易出錯的概括,同時提供了易於閱讀和理解的大腦信息。它提供了有用的技巧,而不像許多流行書籍那樣充滿了狂熱的炒作。」- Elizabeth Zwicky,《Usenix Magazine》

「這是一本獨特的指南,任何想要最大限度發揮自己的心智能力和資源的人都應該尋找。」- James A. Cox,《The Midwest Book Review - Wisconsin Bookwatch》

「如果你在閱讀這本指南後還是不知道如何使用你的大腦,你可能需要換一個大腦。」- 《The Sacramento Book Review》,第1期,第2頁

「很少有關於任何技術主題的書籍像《你的大腦:缺失的手冊》這樣寫得如此好且易於閱讀,既不過於技術化,也不使用未解釋的術語。即使這本書涵蓋了廣泛的主題,麥克唐納德保持了良好的組織和易於理解。這本書以有趣的事實和有趣的研究吸引你的注意力,這些事實和研究任何人都可以應用於對人類能力的理解。它對大腦及其相互關聯的部分有很好的描述,並提供全彩色圖片和圖表以更好地解釋。」- Neil Davis,《》