iPhoto'09: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

David Pogue, J. D. Biersdorfer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2009-05-09
  • 定價: $1,225
  • 售價: 1.6$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 384
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596801440
  • ISBN-13: 9780596801441
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=3)




With iPhoto '09, Apple's popular photo organizer and editing program is better than ever. Unfortunately, intuitive as it may be, iPhoto still has the power to confuse anyone who uses it. That's why more people rely on our Missing Manual than any other iPhoto resource. Author and New York Times tech columnist David Pogue provides clear and objective guidance on every iPhoto feature, including new tools such as face recognition, place recognition based on GPS data, themed slideshows, online sharing, enhanced editing, and travel maps. You'll find step-by-step instructions, along with many undocumented tips and tricks.

With iPhoto '09: The Missing Manual, you will:

  • Get a course in picture-taking and digital cameras -- how to buy and use a digital camera, how to compose brilliant photos in various situations
  • Import, organize, and file your photos -- and learn how to search and edit them
  • Create slideshows, photo books, calendars, and greeting cards, and either make or order prints
  • Share photos on websites or by email, and turn photos into screensavers or desktop pictures
  • Learn to manage your Photo Libraries, use plug-ins, and get photos to and from camera phones

There's much more in this comprehensive guide. Discover today why iPhoto '09: The Missing Manual is the top-selling iPhoto book.


隨著iPhoto '09的推出,蘋果公司的熱門照片組織和編輯程式變得更好了。不幸的是,儘管它可能很直觀,iPhoto仍然有能力讓任何使用者感到困惑。這就是為什麼更多的人依賴於我們的《iPhoto '09: The Missing Manual》這本書,而不是其他任何iPhoto資源。《紐約時報》的科技專欄作家大衛·波格提供了對每個iPhoto功能的清晰客觀的指導,包括人臉識別、基於GPS數據的地點識別、主題幻燈片、在線分享、增強的編輯和旅行地圖等新工具。您將找到逐步的說明,以及許多未記錄的技巧和訣竅。

通過《iPhoto '09: The Missing Manual》,您將:
- 學習拍照和數位相機的知識 - 如何購買和使用數位相機,如何在各種情況下拍攝出色的照片
- 導入、組織和整理您的照片 - 並學習如何搜索和編輯它們
- 創建幻燈片、相片書、日曆和賀卡,並製作或訂購相片印刷品
- 通過網站或電子郵件分享照片,並將照片製作成屏幕保護程式或桌面圖片
- 學習管理您的照片庫,使用插件,並在相機手機和電腦之間傳輸照片

這本全面指南還有更多內容。立即發現為什麼《iPhoto '09: The Missing Manual》是最暢銷的iPhoto書籍。