Using Moodle : Teaching with the Popular Open Source Course Management System, 2/e (Paperback)

Jason Cole, Helen Foster

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2007-12-25
  • 定價: $1,300
  • 售價: 2.3$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 284
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 059652918X
  • ISBN-13: 9780596529185
  • 立即出貨





Using Moodle is a complete, hands-on guide for instructors learning how to use Moodle, the popular course management system (CMS) that enables remote web-based learning and supplements traditional classroom learning. Updated for the latest version, this new edition explains exactly how Moodle works by offering plenty of examples, screenshots and best practices for its many features and plug-in modules.

Moodle gives teachers and trainers a powerful set of web-based tools for a flexible array of activities, including assignments, forums, journals, quizzes, surveys, chat rooms, and workshops. This book is not just a how-to manual. Every chapter includes suggestions and case studies for using Moodle effectively. By itself, Moodle won't make your course better. Only by applying effective educational practices can you truly leverage its power. With this book, you will:
  • Get a complete overview CMS in general and Moodle in particular. Review Moodle's basic interface and learn to start a course.

  • Learn to add Moodle tools to your course, and how different tools allow you to give quizzes and assignments, write journals, create pathed lessons, collaboratively develop documents, and record student grades.

  • Discover some of the creative ways teachers have used Moodle. There are plenty of ideas for effectively using each tool.

  • Effectively manage your Moodle course, such as adding and removing users, and creating user groups. Learn to use Moodle's built-in survey functions for assessing your class.

  • Find out how to administer an entire Moodle site. A system administrator usually handles these functions, but if you're on your own, there's a lot of power behind the curtain.
Using Moodle is both a guide and a reference manual for this incredibly powerful and flexible CMS. Authored by the Moodle community, this authoritative book also exposes little known but powerful hacks for more technically savvy users, and includes coverage of blogs, RSS, databases, and more. For anyone who is using, or thinking of using, this CMS, Using Moodle is required reading.


《使用 Moodle》是一本完整的、實用的指南,教導教師如何使用 Moodle,這是一個流行的課程管理系統 (CMS),可實現遠程網絡學習並補充傳統課堂學習。本書的最新版本解釋了 Moodle 的工作原理,並提供了大量的示例、屏幕截圖和最佳實踐,介紹了其眾多功能和插件模塊。

Moodle 為教師和培訓師提供了一套強大的基於網絡的工具,用於靈活的各種活動,包括作業、討論區、日誌、測驗、調查、聊天室和研討會。本書不僅是一本操作手冊,每一章還包括使用 Moodle 的建議和案例研究。單靠 Moodle 本身並不能使您的課程更好,只有應用有效的教育實踐,您才能真正發揮其威力。通過本書,您將能夠:

  • 全面了解 CMS 和 Moodle。回顧 Moodle 的基本界面,並學習如何開設課程。

  • 學習如何將 Moodle 工具添加到您的課程中,以及不同的工具如何讓您進行測驗和作業、撰寫日誌、創建有序的課程、協作開發文件和記錄學生成績。

  • 發現教師們如何創意地使用 Moodle。這裡有很多有效使用每個工具的想法。

  • 有效管理您的 Moodle 課程,例如添加和刪除用戶,以及創建用戶組。學習使用 Moodle 內置的調查功能評估您的班級。

  • 了解如何管理整個 Moodle 網站。通常由系統管理員處理這些功能,但如果您獨自一人,幕後有很多強大的功能。

《使用 Moodle》既是一本指南,也是一本參考手冊,針對這個功能強大且靈活的 CMS。這本權威書籍由 Moodle 社區編寫,還介紹了一些對於技術熟練的用戶來說可能不太熟悉但功能強大的技巧,並包括博客、RSS、數據庫等內容。對於任何正在使用或考慮使用這個 CMS 的人來說,《使用 Moodle》都是必讀之書。