Programming Atlas

Christian Wenz

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2006-10-31
  • 定價: $1,180
  • 售價: 6.0$708
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 408
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596526725
  • ISBN-13: 9780596526726
  • 相關分類: AjaxASP.NETJavaScript
  • 立即出貨





Learn how to deliver richer, more interactive web experiences to your users using ASP.NET Atlas, Microsoft's new framework for building Ajax-savvy web sites. Web developers of all persuasions have embraced the Ajax suite of technologies (JavaScript, HTTP, XML and more) as a way to implement pages that are faster, livelier and more desktop-like in their behavior. Now Atlas brings the power of Ajax to ASP.NET 2.0 developers with controls, script libraries and server support that delivers engaging results without the pain that writing complex JavaScript can entail. Better yet, Atlas web pages are standards based and even run cross-browser.

Programming Atlas is not just another "drag and drop" ASP.NET 2.0 book, but dives into the technologies that make it work. You'll begin with a tour of the technologies most often associated with Ajax, from JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest to JSON and the DOM. With the fundamentals in place, author JavaScript expert Christian Wenz unpacks the Atlas framework and shows you how to put its tools to work. You'll learn to:

  • Understand the architecture of Atlas and the role played by server conrols, such as ScriptManager and UpdatePanel
  • Use core Atlas controls and extenders to build more interactive pages with text fields that autocomplete, user input that is validated, controls that can be dragged and dropped, and much more
  • Bind, display, and update data without causing the entire page to refresh and use the Atlas web services bridge to consume third-party services beyond the domain of your application
  • Incorporate Microsoft Virtual Earth into an application, use Atlas with Web Parts, and create a Windows Live Gadget
  • Use Atlas with PHP and explore other non-Microsoft Ajax tools for ASP.NET


Table of Contents



1. Atlas, Ajax, and ASP.NET

     Atlas and Ajax

     Atlas and ASP.NET

     Atlas and Future Development

     Atlas Prerequisites and Installation

     Atlas Structure and Architecture

     A First Atlas Example: Hello User

     The ScriptManager Control


     For Further Reading

2. JavaScript

     The JavaScript Language

     Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

     Accessing Page Elements

     DOM Methods


     For Further Reading

3. Ajax

     The XMLHttpRequest Object

     The XMLDocument Object



     For Further Reading

4. Controls

     Introducing Atlas Client Controls

     Using Atlas Controls

     Handling Control Events


     For Further Reading

5. Data Binding and Validation

     Data Binding

     Data Validation


     For Further Reading

6. Components and Behaviors

     Using Behaviors

     Using Components


     For Further Reading

7. Animations

     Using Animations

     Using an Animation to Create a Fade Effect


     For Further Reading

8. Client Script Library

     Atlas OOP Features for JavaScript

     Client-Side Versions of .NET Classes


     For Further Reading

9. Using Server Data

     Using a ListView Control

     Creating a Custom Data Source


10. Web Services

     Error Handling

     Inline Web Service Methods

     Maintaining Session State

     Consuming External Web Services


     For Further Reading

11. Extending Controls

     Adding Drag and Drop to a Control

     Adding Autocomplete to a Control

     Making a Page Region Updateable


     For Further Reading

12. Virtual Earth

     Displaying a Map

     Adding Pushpins with Pop-Ups to a Map


     For Further Reading

13. Web Parts and Gadgets

     Using Atlas with ASP.NET Web Parts

     Creating Windows Live Gadgets with Atlas


     For Further Reading

14. Atlas Control Toolkit

     Installing the Toolkit

     Using the Toolkit

     Writing Custom Controls


     For Further Reading

15. Using Atlas with Other Server Technologies

     Using Atlas with PHP


     For Further Reading

16. Other Ajax Tools

     Client Callbacks


     Pure JavaScript

     Consuming Web Services with JavaScript


     For Further Reading

A. XMLHttpRequest Reference

B. DOM Reference

C. Atlas Reference

D. ScriptManager and UpdatePanel Declarative Reference




學習如何使用ASP.NET Atlas為您的使用者提供更豐富、更互動的網頁體驗。Atlas是微軟的新框架,用於構建支援Ajax的網站。各種網頁開發人員都已經接受了Ajax套件的技術(JavaScript、HTTP、XML等),以實現更快速、更生動、更像桌面應用程式的頁面行為。現在,Atlas將Ajax的強大功能帶給了ASP.NET 2.0開發人員,提供了控制項、腳本庫和伺服器支援,可以提供引人入勝的結果,而不需要編寫複雜的JavaScript。更重要的是,Atlas網頁是基於標準的,甚至可以在不同瀏覽器上運行。

《Programming Atlas》不僅僅是另一本“拖放”ASP.NET 2.0書籍,而是深入探討了使其運作的技術。您將從介紹與Ajax最常相關的技術開始,從JavaScript和XMLHttpRequest到JSON和DOM。有了基礎知識,作者JavaScript專家Christian Wenz將解析Atlas框架,並向您展示如何使用其工具。您將學習:

- 了解Atlas的架構以及伺服器控制項(如ScriptManager和UpdatePanel)的作用
- 使用核心Atlas控制項和擴展程序來構建更互動的頁面,包括自動完成的文本字段、驗證的用戶輸入、可拖放的控制項等等
- 綁定、顯示和更新數據,而無需刷新整個頁面,並使用Atlas網頁服務橋接器來使用應用程序範圍之外的第三方服務
- 將Microsoft Virtual Earth集成到應用程序中,使用Atlas與Web Parts,並創建Windows Live小工具
- 使用Atlas與PHP,並探索其他非微軟的Ajax工具,用於ASP.NET


1. Atlas、Ajax和ASP.NET
- Atlas和Ajax
- Atlas和ASP.NET
- Atlas和未來的開發
- Atlas的先決條件和安裝
- Atlas的結構和架構
- 第一個Atlas示例:Hello User
- ScriptManager控制項
- 總結
- 進一步閱讀
2. JavaScript
- JavaScript語言
- 面向對象編程(OOP)
- 訪問頁面元素
- DOM方法
- 總結
- 進一步閱讀
3. Ajax
- XMLHttpRequest對象
- XMLDocument對象
- 總結
- 進一步閱讀
4. 控制項
- 介紹Atlas客戶端控制項
- 使用Atlas控制項
- 處理控制項事件
- 總結
- 進一步閱讀
5. 數據綁定和驗證
- 數據綁定
- 驗證
- 總結
- 進一步閱讀