Ruby Cookbook (Paperback)

Lucas Carlson, Leonard Richardson





Do you want to push Ruby to its limits? The Ruby Cookbook is the most comprehensive problem-solving guide to today's hottest programming language. It gives you hundreds of solutions to real-world problems, with clear explanations and thousands of lines of code you can use in your own projects.

From data structures and algorithms, to integration with cutting-edge technologies, the Ruby Cookbook has something for every programmer. Beginners and advanced Rubyists alike will learn how to program with:

  • Strings and numbers
  • Arrays and hashes
  • Classes, modules, and namespaces
  • Reflection and metaprogramming
  • XML and HTML processing
  • Ruby on Rails (including Ajax integration)
  • Databases
  • Graphics
  • Internet services like email, SSH, and BitTorrent
  • Web services
  • Multitasking
  • Graphical and terminal interfaces

If you need to write a web application, this book shows you how to get started with Rails. If you're a system administrator who needs to rename thousands of files, you'll see how to use Ruby for this and other everyday tasks. You'll learn how to read and write Excel spreadsheets, classify text with Bayesian filters, and create PDF files. We've even included a few silly tricks that were too cool to leave out, like how to blink the lights on your keyboard.

The Ruby Cookbook is the most useful book yet written about Ruby. When you need to solve a problem, don't reinvent the wheel: look it up in the Cookbook.


Table of Contents


1. Strings

      1.1 Building a String from Parts

      1.2 Substituting Variables into Strings

      1.3 Substituting Variables into an Existing String

      1.4 Reversing a String by Words or Characters

      1.5 Representing Unprintable Characters

      1.6 Converting Between Characters and Values

      1.7 Converting Between Strings and Symbols

      1.8 Processing a String One Character at a Time

      1.9 Processing a String One Word at a Time

      1.10 Changing the Case of a String

      1.11 Managing Whitespace

      1.12 Testing Whether an Object Is String-Like

      1.13 Getting the Parts of a String You Want

      1.14 Handling International Encodings

      1.15 Word-Wrapping Lines of Text

      1.16 Generating a Succession of Strings

      1.17 Matching Strings with Regular Expressions

      1.18 Replacing Multiple Patterns in a Single Pass

      1.19 Validating an Email Address

      1.20 Classifying Text with a Bayesian Analyzer

2. Numbers

      2.1 Parsing a Number from a String

      2.2 Comparing Floating-Point Numbers

      2.3 Representing Numbers to Arbitrary Precision

      2.4 Representing Rational Numbers

      2.5 Generating Random Numbers

      2.6 Converting Between Numeric Bases

      2.7 Taking Logarithms

      2.8 Finding Mean, Median, and Mode

      2.9 Converting Between Degrees and Radians

      2.10 Multiplying Matrices

      2.11 Solving a System of Linear Equations

      2.12 Using Complex Numbers

      2.13 Simulating a Subclass of Fixnum

      2.14 Doing Math with Roman Numbers

      2.15 Generating a Sequence of Numbers

      2.16 Generating Prime Numbers

      2.17 Checking a Credit Card Checksum

3. Date and Time

      3.1 Finding Today's Date

      3.2 Parsing Dates, Precisely or Fuzzily

      3.3 Printing a Date

      3.4 Iterating Over Dates

      3.5 Doing Date Arithmetic

      3.6 Counting the Days Since an Arbitrary Date

      3.7 Converting Between Time Zones

      3.8 Checking Whether Daylight Saving Time Is in Effect

      3.9 Converting Between Time and DateTime Objects

      3.10 Finding the Day of the Week

      3.11 Handling Commercial Dates

      3.12 Running a Code Block Periodically

      3.13 Waiting a Certain Amount of Time

      3.14 Adding a Timeout to a Long-Running Operation

4. Arrays

      4.1 Iterating Over an Array

      4.2 Rearranging Values Without Using Temporary Variables

      4.3 Stripping Duplicate Elements from an Array

      4.4 Reversing an Array

      4.5 Sorting an Array

      4.6 Ignoring Case When Sorting Strings

      4.7 Making Sure a Sorted Array Stays Sorted

      4.8 Summing the Items of an Array

      4.9 Sorting an Array by Frequency of Appearance

      4.10 Shuffling an Array

      4.11 Getting the N Smallest Items of an Array

      4.12 Building Up a Hash Using Injection

      4.13 Extracting Portions of Arrays

      4.14 Computing Set Operations on Arrays

      4.15 Partitioning or Classifying a Set

5. Hashes

      5.1 Using Symbols as Hash Keys

      5.2 Creating a Hash with a Default Value

      5.3 Adding Elements to a Hash

      5.4 Removing Elements from a Hash

      5.5 Using an Array or Other Modifiable Object as a Hash Key

      5.6 Keeping Multiple Values for the Same Hash Key

      5.7 Iterating Over a Hash

      5.8 Iterating Over a Hash in Insertion Order

      5.9 Printing a Hash

      5.10 Inverting a Hash

      5.11 Choosing Randomly from a Weighted List

      5.12 Building a Histogram

      5.13 Remapping the Keys and Values of a Hash

      5.14 Extracting Portions of Hashes

      5.15 Searching a Hash with Regular Expressions

6. Files and Directories

      6.1 Checking to See If a File Exists

      6.2 Checking Your Access to a File

      6.3 Changing the Permissions on a File

      6.4 Seeing When a File Was Last Used

      6.5 Listing a Directory

      6.6 Reading the Contents of a File

      6.7 Writing to a File

      6.8 Writing to a Temporary File

      6.9 Picking a Random Line from a File

      6.10 Comparing Two Files

      6.11 Performing Random Access on "Read-Once" Input Streams

      6.12 Walking a Directory Tree

      6.13 Locking a File

      6.14 Backing Up to Versioned Filenames

      6.15 Pretending a String Is a File

      6.16 Redirecting Standard Input or Output

      6.17 Processing a Binary File

      6.18 Deleting a File

      6.19 Truncating a File

      6.20 Finding the Files You Want

      6.21 Finding and Changing the Current Working Directory

7. Code Blocks and Iteration

      7.1 Creating and Invoking a Block

      7.2 Writing a Method That Accepts a Block

      7.3 Binding a Block Argument to a Variable

      7.4 Blocks as Closures: Using Outside Variables Within a Code Block

      7.5 Writing an Iterator Over a Data Structure

      7.6 Changing the Way an Object Iterates

      7.7 Writing Block Methods That Classify or Collect

      7.8 Stopping an Iteration

      7.9 Looping Through Multiple Iterables in Parallel

      7.10 Hiding Setup and Cleanup in a Block Method

      7.11 Coupling Systems Loosely with Callbacks

8. Objects and Classes

      8.1 Managing Instance Data

      8.2 Managing Class Data

      8.3 Checking Class or Module Membership

      8.4 Writing an Inherited Class

      8.5 Overloading Methods

      8.6 Validating and Modifying Attribute Values

      8.7 Defining a Virtual Attribute

      8.8 Delegating Method Calls to Another Object

      8.9 Converting and Coercing Objects to Different Types

      8.10 Getting a Human-Readable Printout of Any Object

      8.11 Accepting or Passing a Variable Number of Arguments

      8.12 Simulating Keyword Arguments

      8.13 Calling a Superclass's Method

      8.14 Creating an Abstract Method

      8.15 Freezing an Object to Prevent Changes

      8.16 Making a Copy of an Object

      8.17 Declaring Constants

      8.18 Implementing Class and Singleton Methods

      8.19 Controlling Access by Making Methods Private

9. Modules and Namespaces

      9.1 Simulating Multiple Inheritance with Mixins

      9.2 Extending Specific Objects with Modules

      9.3 Mixing in Class Methods

      9.4 Implementing Enumerable: Write One Method, Get 22 Free

      9.5 Avoiding Naming Collisions with Namespaces

      9.6 Automatically Loading Libraries as Needed

      9.7 Including Namespaces

      9.8 Initializing Instance Variables Defined by a Module

      9.9 Automatically Initializing Mixed-In Modules

10. Reflection and Metaprogramming

      10.1 Finding an Object's Class and Superclass

      10.2 Listing an Object's Methods

      10.3 Listing Methods Unique to an Object

      10.4 Getting a Reference to a Method

      10.5 Fixing Bugs in Someone Else's Class

      10.6 Listening for Changes to a Class

      10.7 Checking Whether an Object Has Necessary Attributes

      10.8 Responding to Calls to Undefined Methods

      10.9 Automatically Initializing Instance Variables

      10.10 Avoiding Boilerplate Code with Metaprogramming

      10.11 Metaprogramming with String Evaluations

      10.12 Evaluating Code in an Earlier Context

      10.13 Undefining a Method

      10.14 Aliasing Methods

      10.15 Doing Aspect-Oriented Programming

      10.16 Enforcing Software Contracts

11. XML and HTML

      11.1 Checking XML Well-Formedness

      11.2 Extracting Data from a Document's Tree Structure

      11.3 Extracting Data While Parsing a Document

      11.4 Navigating a Document with XPath

      11.5 Parsing Invalid Markup

      11.6 Converting an XML Document into a Hash

      11.7 Validating an XML Document

      11.8 Substituting XML Entities

      11.9 Creating and Modifying XML Documents

      11.10 Compressing Whitespace in an XML Document

      11.11 Guessing a Document's Encoding

      11.12 Converting from One Encoding to Another

      11.13 Extracting All the URLs from an HTML Document

      11.14 Transforming Plain Text to HTML

      11.15 Converting HTML Documents from the Web into Text

      11.16 A Simple Feed Aggregator

12. Graphics and Other File Formats

      12.1 Thumbnailing Images

      12.2 Adding Text to an Image

      12.3 Converting One Image Format to Another

      12.4 Graphing Data

      12.5 Adding Graphical Context with Sparklines

      12.6 Strongly Encrypting Data

      12.7 Parsing Comma-Separated Data

      12.8 Parsing Not-Quite-Comma-Separated Data

      12.9 Generating and Parsing Excel Spreadsheets

      12.10 Compressing and Archiving Files with Gzip and Tar

      12.11 Reading and Writing ZIP Files

      12.12 Reading and Writing Configuration Files

      12.13 Generating PDF Files

      12.14 Representing Data as MIDI Music

13. Databases and Persistence

      13.1 Serializing Data with YAML

      13.2 Serializing Data with Marshal

      13.3 Persisting Objects with Madeleine

      13.4 Indexing Unstructured Text with SimpleSearch

      13.5 Indexing Structured Text with Ferret

      13.6 Using Berkeley DB Databases

      13.7 Controlling MySQL on Unix

      13.8 Finding the Number of Rows Returned by a Query

      13.9 Talking Directly to a MySQL Database

      13.10 Talking Directly to a PostgreSQL Database

      13.11 Using Object Relational Mapping with ActiveRecord

      13.12 Using Object Relational Mapping with Og

      13.13 Building Queries Programmatically

      13.14 Validating Data with ActiveRecord

      13.15 Preventing SQL Injection Attacks

      13.16 Using Transactions in ActiveRecord

      13.17 Adding Hooks to Table Events

      13.18 Adding Taggability with a Database Mixin

14. Internet Services

      14.1 Grabbing the Contents of a Web Page

      14.2 Making an HTTPS Web Request

      14.3 Customizing HTTP Request Headers

      14.4 Performing DNS Queries

      14.5 Sending Mail

      14.6 Reading Mail with IMAP

      14.7 Reading Mail with POP3

      14.8 Being an FTP Client

      14.9 Being a Telnet Client

      14.10 Being an SSH Client

      14.11 Copying a File to Another Machine

      14.12 Being a BitTorrent Client

      14.13 Pinging a Machine

      14.14 Writing an Internet Server

      14.15 Parsing URLs

      14.16 Writing a CGI Script

      14.17 Setting Cookies and Other HTTP Response Headers

      14.18 Handling File Uploads via CGI

      14.19 Running Servlets with WEBrick

      14.20 A Real-World HTTP Client

15. Web Development: Ruby on Rails

      15.1 Writing a Simple Rails Application to Show System Status

      15.2 Passing Data from the Controller to the View

      15.3 Creating a Layout for Your Header and Footer

      15.4 Redirecting to a Different Location

      15.5 Displaying Templates with Render

      15.6 Integrating a Database with Your Rails Application

      15.7 Understanding Pluralization Rules

      15.8 Creating a Login System

      15.9 Storing Hashed User Passwords in the Database

      15.10 Escaping HTML and JavaScript for Display

      15.11 Setting and Retrieving Session Information

      15.12 Setting and Retrieving Cookies

      15.13 Extracting Code into Helper Functions

      15.14 Refactoring the View into Partial Snippets of Views

      15.15 Adding DHTML Effects with

      15.16 Generating Forms for Manipulating Model Objects

      15.17 Creating an Ajax Form

      15.18 Exposing Web Services on Your Web Site

      15.19 Sending Mail with Rails

      15.20 Automatically Sending Error Messages to Your Email

      15.21 Documenting Your Web Site

      15.22 Unit Testing Your Web Site

      15.23 Using breakpoint in Your Web Application

16. Web Services and Distributed Programming

      16.1 Searching for Books on Amazon

      16.2 Finding Photos on Flickr

      16.3 Writing an XML-RPC Client

      16.4 Writing a SOAP Client

      16.5 Writing a SOAP Server

      16.6 Searching the Web with Google's SOAP Service

      16.7 Using a WSDL File to Make SOAP Calls Easier

      16.8 Charging a Credit Card

      16.9 Finding the Cost to Ship Packages via UPS or FedEx

      16.10 Sharing a Hash Between Any Number of Computers

      16.11 Implementing a Distributed Queue

      16.12 Creating a Shared "Whiteboard"

      16.13 Securing DRb Services with Access Control Lists

      16.14 Automatically Discovering DRb Services with Rinda

      16.15 Proxying Objects That Can't Be Distributed

      16.16 Storing Data on Distributed RAM with MemCached

      16.17 Caching Expensive Results with MemCached

      16.18 A Remote-Controlled Jukebox

17. Testing, Debugging, Optimizing, and Documenting

      17.1 Running Code Only in Debug Mode

      17.2 Raising an Exception

      17.3 Handling an Exception

      17.4 Rerunning After an Exception

      17.5 Adding Logging to Your Application

      17.6 Creating and Understanding Tracebacks

      17.7 Writing Unit Tests

      17.8 Running Unit Tests

      17.9 Testing Code That Uses External Resources

      17.10 Using breakpoint to Inspect and Change the State              of Your Application 

      17.11 Documenting Your Application

      17.12 Profiling Your Application

      17.13 Benchmarking Competing Solutions

      17.14 Running Multiple Analysis Tools at Once

      17.15 Who's Calling That Method? A Call Graph Analyzer

18. Packaging and Distributing Software

      18.1 Finding Libraries by Querying Gem Respositories

      18.2 Installing and Using a Gem

      18.3 Requiring a Specific Version of a Gem

      18.4 Uninstalling a Gem

      18.5 Reading Documentation for Installed Gems

      18.6 Packaging Your Code as a Gem

      18.7 Distributing Your Gems

      18.8 Installing and Creating Standalone Packages with setup.rb

19. Automating Tasks with Rake

      19.1 Automatically Running Unit Tests

      19.2 Automatically Generating Documentation

      19.3 Cleaning Up Generated Files

      19.4 Automatically Building a Gem

      19.5 Gathering Statistics About Your Code

      19.6 Publishing Your Documentation

      19.7 Running Multiple Tasks in Parallel

      19.8 A Generic Project Rakefile

20. Multitasking and Multithreading

      20.1 Running a Daemon Process on Unix

      20.2 Creating a Windows Service

      20.3 Doing Two Things at Once with Threads

      20.4 Synchronizing Access to an Object

      20.5 Terminating a Thread

      20.6 Running a Code Block on Many Objects Simultaneously

      20.7 Limiting Multithreading with a Thread Pool

      20.8 Driving an External Process with popen

      20.9 Capturing the Output and Error Streams              from a Unix Shell Command 

      20.10 Controlling a Process on Another Machine

      20.11 Avoiding Deadlock

21. User Interface

      21.1 Getting Input One Line at a Time

      21.2 Getting Input One Character at a Time

      21.3 Parsing Command-Line Arguments

      21.4 Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively

      21.5 Setting Up and Tearing Down a Curses Program

      21.6 Clearing the Screen

      21.7 Determining Terminal Size

      21.8 Changing Text Color

      21.9 Reading a Password

      21.10 Allowing Input Editing with Readline

      21.11 Making Your Keyboard Lights Blink

      21.12 Creating a GUI Application with Tk

      21.13 Creating a GUI Application with wxRuby

      21.14 Creating a GUI Application with Ruby/GTK

      21.15 Creating a Mac OS X Application with RubyCocoa

      21.16 Using AppleScript to Get User Input

22. Extending Ruby with Other Languages

      22.1 Writing a C Extension for Ruby

      22.2 Using a C Library from Ruby

      22.3 Calling a C Library Through SWIG

      22.4 Writing Inline C in Your Ruby Code

      22.5 Using Java Libraries with JRuby

23. System Administration

      23.1 Scripting an External Program

      23.2 Managing Windows Services

      23.3 Running Code as Another User

      23.4 Running Periodic Tasks Without cron or at

      23.5 Deleting Files That Match a Regular Expression

      23.6 Renaming Files in Bulk

      23.7 Finding Duplicate Files

      23.8 Automating Backups

      23.9 Normalizing Ownership and Permissions in User Directories

      23.10 Killing All Processes for a Given User



《Ruby Cookbook》是對當今最熱門的程式語言提供最全面的問題解決指南。它提供了數百種解決現實世界問題的方法,並附有清晰的解釋和數千行代碼,您可以在自己的項目中使用。

從數據結構和算法到與尖端技術的集成,Ruby Cookbook為每個程序員提供了一些東西。無論是初學者還是高級的Ruby開發者,都將學習如何使用以下功能進行編程:

- 字符串和數字
- 數組和哈希
- 類、模塊和命名空間
- 反射和元編程
- Ruby on Rails(包括Ajax集成)