Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual, 2/e (Paperback)

Matthew MacDonald

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2009-01-09
  • 定價: $1,100
  • 售價: 2.7$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 608
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596520972
  • ISBN-13: 9780596520977
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=5)




Think you have to be a technical wizard to build a great web site? Think again. If you want to create an engaging web site, this thoroughly revised, completely updated edition of Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual demystifies the process and provides tools, techniques, and expert guidance for developing a professional and reliable web presence.

Whether you want to build a personal web site, an e-commerce site, a blog, or a web site for a specific occasion or promotion, this book gives you detailed instructions and clear-headed advice for:

  • Everything from planning to launching. From picking and buying a domain name, choosing a Web hosting firm, building your site, and uploading the files to a web server, this book teaches you the nitty-gritty of creating your home on the Web.

  • Ready-to-use building blocks. Creating your own web site doesn't mean you have to build everything from scratch. You'll learn how to incorporate loads of pre-built and freely available tools like interactive menus, PayPal shopping carts, Google ads, and Google Analytics.

  • The modern Web. Today's best looking sites use powerful tools like Cascading Style Sheets (for sophisticated page layout), JavaScript (for rollover buttons and cascading menus), and video. This book doesn't treat these topics as fancy frills. From step one, you'll learn easy ways to create a powerful site with these tools.

  • Blogs. Learn the basics behind the Web's most popular form of self-expression. And take a step-by-step tour through Blogger, the Google-run blogging service that will have you blogging before you close this book.

This isn't just another dry, uninspired book on how to create a web site. Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual is a witty and intelligent guide you need to make your ideas and vision a web reality.



認為只有技術高手才能建立出優秀的網站嗎?再想一想吧。如果你想要創建一個引人入勝的網站,這本經過全面修訂、完全更新的《Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual》將揭開這個過程的神秘面紗,並提供工具、技巧和專家指導,幫助你打造專業可靠的網絡存在。


- 從規劃到上線的一切。從選擇和購買域名、選擇網站寄存公司、建立網站,到將文件上傳到網絡服務器,這本書教你如何在網絡上建立自己的家園。

- 可立即使用的建設模塊。建立自己的網站並不意味著你必須從頭開始建立一切。你將學習如何整合大量預先建立和免費提供的工具,如互動菜單、PayPal購物車、Google廣告和Google Analytics。

- 現代網絡。如今最好看的網站使用強大的工具,如層疊樣式表(用於複雜的頁面佈局)、JavaScript(用於滑鼠懸停按鈕和層疊菜單)和視頻。這本書不將這些主題視為花俏的附加功能。從第一步開始,你將學習使用這些工具創建強大的網站的簡單方法。

- 部落格。了解網絡上最受歡迎的自我表達形式的基礎知識。並透過Blogger進行逐步導覽,這是由Google運營的部落格服務,你將在閱讀本書之前就能開始部落格。

這不僅僅是另一本枯燥無味的建立網站的書籍,《Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual》是一本風趣而聰明的指南,幫助你將想法和願景變為網絡現實。