CSS Cookbook, 3/e (Paperback)

Christopher Schmitt

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-02-02
  • 定價: $1,650
  • 售價: 9.5$1,568
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$1,485
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 732
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 059615593X
  • ISBN-13: 9780596155933
  • 相關分類: CSS
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




What people are saying about CSS Cookbook

"Christopher's fantastic cookbook will give you solutions to pretty much all of the CSS problems you'll come up against in your day-to-day web design work, saving you bags of time and frustration. This guy is one of the industry's brightest minds -- he really knows his stuff."

--Chris Mills, Opera Software

Learn how to solve the real problems you face with CSS. This cookbook offers hundreds of practical examples for using CSS to format your web pages, and includes code samples you can use right away. You'll find exactly what you need, from the basics to complex hacks and workarounds.

Each recipe explains how to customize a solution to meet your needs, and each chapter features a sample design that showcases the topics discussed. You'll learn about the behavior of the latest browsers-including IE 8, Firefox 3, Safari 4, and Google Chrome-and how you can resolve differences in the ways they display your web pages. Arranged in a convenient format for quick reference, this third edition is a valuable companion for anyone working with CSS.

  • Learn the basics, such as the CSS rule structure
  • Work with web typography and page layout
  • Create effects for images and other page elements
  • Learn techniques for configuring lists, forms, and tables
  • Design effective web navigation and create custom links
  • Get creative by combining CSS with JavaScript
  • Learn useful troubleshooting techniques
  • Explore features of HTML5 and CSS3


「關於《CSS Cookbook》的評價」
Christopher的精彩食譜將為你在日常網頁設計工作中遇到的幾乎所有CSS問題提供解決方案,節省你大量的時間和挫折感。這位傑出的專家是業界最聰明的人之一,他真的非常了解這方面的知識。-- Chris Mills, Opera Software


每個範例都解釋了如何根據你的需求自定義解決方案,每個章節都展示了相關主題的示例設計。你將了解最新瀏覽器的行為,包括IE 8、Firefox 3、Safari 4和Google Chrome,以及如何解決它們在顯示你的網頁時的差異。這本第三版以方便快速查閱的格式排列,是任何使用CSS的人的寶貴伴侶。

- 學習基礎知識,如CSS規則結構
- 處理網頁排版和網頁排版
- 為圖像和其他網頁元素創建效果
- 學習配置列表、表單和表格的技巧
- 設計有效的網頁導航並創建自定義連結
- 通過結合CSS和JavaScript來發揮創意
- 學習有用的故障排除技巧
- 探索HTML5和CSS3的功能