Palm webOS (Paperback)

Mitch Allen

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2009-08-01
  • 定價: $1,575
  • 售價: 0.6$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 464
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596155255
  • ISBN-13: 9780596155254
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=7)




A Note from the Author and from O'Reilly Media about what this book does--and doesn't--do:

Palm webOS is a brand new platform and represents a very different type of operating system where the web runtime is used as the basis for the UI and Application model. Palm and O'Reilly felt that it was important to have a book available to help developers get a basic understanding of the new Palm platform at the time that the SDK was released; this timing played a major role in the content and structure of the book.

Ideally this book would have been a complete reference of the new platform but that wasn't possible since the content was written at the same time as the software SDK was being developed by the Palm engineering team. The book does provide a complete overview of Palm webOS, a thorough description of the application model and gives details on many key design concepts. There are descriptions and examples of UI widgets, services, storage, notifications, dashboards and background applications, serving as a great introduction but not as a definitive source.

The book uses a simple News reader application to illustrate the technical descriptions but the examples are not intended to serve as a cookbook tutorial. Experienced developers should be able to use the examples to build up a working application chapter by chapter but others may not find the loose descriptions adequate for recreating the application unaided. Over time, these different needs will be filled by other books, but in the meantime we hope that this book will serve a valuable role introducing developers to webOS and giving them a way of getting started with webOS application development.

A second printing of the book will update any original coverage obsoleted by subsequent Mojo SDK builds. For owners of the original printing of the book, all of these updates are posted on the "View/Submit Errata" link (please see left-hand column of this web page).

Thanks for understanding that book publishing and coverage of rapidly moving technologies can sometimes be an inexact science; we knew there'd be a need for a book such as Palm webOS: The Insider's Guide to Developing Applications in JavaScript using the Palm MojoT Framework, and there's certainly no better person to write that book that Mitch Allen; that said, we understand that because it is such a new operating system and SDK, there would (and will continue to be) changes that at best can't be documented and explored until new printings of the books are released. In the meantime we will be diligent in posting updates to this book's O'Reilly Media catalog page.

Description This is the official guide to building native JavaScript applications for Palm's new mobile operating system, Palm® webOS™. Written by Palm's software chief technology officer along with the Palm webOS development team, Palm webOS provides a complete tutorial on the design principles, architecture, UI, tools, and services necessary to develop webOS applications-including the Mojo JavaScript framework and Palm's SDK.

Palm webOS is designed to support a fast and superb user experience using established web standards, so if you're familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you're ready to build applications for any webOS-based device, including the Palm Pre. You'll gain expertise, chapter by chapter, as you build a working mobile application through the course of the book. You'll also learn how to extend existing web apps to work with the new generation of mobile phones.

  • Get a thorough overview of the webOS platform and architecture
  • Understand the critical concepts for application design: what separates webOS from other web and mobile platforms
  • Learn the details of Mojo's development tools and SDK for building and testing mobile applications
  • Examine best practices, important considerations, and guiding principles for developing with webOS and the Mojo framework


關於這本書的作者和O'Reilly Media的一個註解:Palm webOS是一個全新的平台,代表著一種非常不同的操作系統,其中網頁運行時被用作UI和應用程序模型的基礎。Palm和O'Reilly認為,在SDK發布時提供一本書來幫助開發人員對新的Palm平台有基本的了解是很重要的;這個時機對書籍的內容和結構起到了重要作用。

理想情況下,這本書應該是新平台的完整參考,但由於內容是在Palm工程團隊開發軟件SDK的同時撰寫的,這是不可能的。該書提供了Palm webOS的完整概述,對應用程序模型進行了詳細描述,並提供了許多關鍵設計概念的細節。書中描述了UI小部件、服務、存儲、通知、儀表板和後台應用程序的示例,作為一個很好的介紹,但不是一個權威的來源。


該書的第二版將更新任何被後續Mojo SDK版本淘汰的原始內容。對於擁有該書原始版本的讀者,所有這些更新都會在“查看/提交勘誤”鏈接上發布(請參見本網頁的左側欄)。

感謝您理解書籍出版和快速發展技術的覆蓋範圍有時可能是一門不精確的科學;我們知道會需要一本像《Palm webOS:使用Palm MojoT Framework以JavaScript開發應用程序的內幕指南》這樣的書,而沒有比Mitch Allen更適合寫這本書的人了;也就是說,我們明白,由於這是一個全新的操作系統和SDK,將會有(並將繼續有)無法記錄和探索的變化,直到新版書籍發布。在此期間,我們將努力在這本書的O'Reilly Media目錄頁面上發布更新。

描述:這是建立Palm新移動操作系統Palm® webOS™的本機JavaScript應用程序的官方指南。由Palm的軟件首席技術官和Palm webOS開發團隊共同撰寫,《Palm webOS》提供了有關設計原則、架構、UI、工具和服務的完整教程,這些都是開發webOS應用程序所必需的,包括Mojo JavaScript框架和Palm的SDK。

Palm webOS旨在使用已確立的網頁標準支持快速和出色的用戶體驗,因此,如果您熟悉HTML、CSS和JavaScript,您就可以為任何基於webOS的設備(包括Palm Pre)開發應用程序。通過本書,您將逐章獲得專業知識,並在書中進行一個可工作的移動應用程序的構建過程中學習。您還將學習如何擴展現有的Web應用程序以適應新一代的移動電話。

- 獲得對webOS平台和架構的全面概述
- 了解應用程序設計的關鍵概念:webOS與其他網頁和移動平台的區別
- 學習Mojo的開發工具和SDK的詳細信息,以構建和測試移動應用程序
- 檢查使用webOS開發的最佳實踐、重要考慮因素和指導原則