David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual

David Pogue




If you're ready to jump into digital photography or would like to increase the skills you already have, David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual is just what you need. Bestselling author David Pogue provides a no-nonsense guide to the entire process, including how to: buy and use a digital camera; get the same photographic effects as the pros; manage the results on your Mac or PC; edit photos; and, finally, share the results with your adoring fans -- on paper, online, or on mugs, jigsaw puzzles, and blankets.

After reviewing hundreds of digital cameras and photo services in his weekly New York Times column, David Pogue knows digital photography. With this new Missing Manual you will:

  • Get expert advice on how to choose a digital camera, including information on the only specs that matter. (Hint: it's not about megapixels).
  • Learn the basics of lighting, composition, and shooting lots of photos
  • Understand how to choose the best camera settings for 20 different scenarios
  • Unravel the problems of correcting images and storing them
  • Learn David's tips and tricks for sharing and printing images
  • Get a special troubleshooting section you can turn to when things go wrong

David Pogue's witty, authoritative voice has demystified the Mac, Windows, iPods and iPhones for millions of readers. Now, he offers step-by-step instructions and plenty of friendly advice to help you join in the fun and get real satisfaction from digital photography.


如果你準備好投入數位攝影,或者想提升你已有的技能,《David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual》正是你所需要的。暢銷作家David Pogue提供了一本直截了當的指南,涵蓋了整個過程,包括如何:購買和使用數位相機;獲得與專業攝影師相同的攝影效果;在Mac或PC上管理照片結果;編輯照片;最後,與你的愛慕者分享成果-無論是在紙上、線上還是在杯子、拼圖和毛毯上。

在他每週的《紐約時報》專欄中回顧了數百款數位相機和照片服務後,David Pogue對數位攝影有著豐富的經驗。通過這本新的《Missing Manual》,你將會:

- 獲得關於如何選擇數位相機的專家建議,包括有關唯一重要規格的信息。(提示:不是關於百萬像素)
- 學習照明、構圖和拍攝大量照片的基礎知識
- 理解如何為20種不同場景選擇最佳相機設置
- 解決修正圖像和存儲圖像的問題
- 學習David的分享和打印圖像的技巧和訣竅
- 獲得一個特別的故障排除部分,當事情出錯時可以參考

David Pogue幽默而權威的聲音已經為數百萬讀者解開了Mac、Windows、iPod和iPhone的神秘面紗。現在,他提供了逐步的指導和豐富的友好建議,幫助你加入這個有趣的領域,從數位攝影中獲得真正的滿足感。