We the Media : Grassroots Journalism By the People, For the People (Paperback)
暫譯: 我們是媒體:由人民為人民的草根新聞學 (平裝本)
Dan Gillmor
- 出版商: O'Reilly
- 出版日期: 2006-02-28
- 定價: $510
- 售價: 3.9 折 $199
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 336
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0596102275
- ISBN-13: 9780596102272
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"We the Media, has become something of a bible for those who believe the online medium will change journalism for the better." -Financial Times
Big Media has lost its monopoly on the news, thanks to the Internet. Now that it's possible to publish in real time to a worldwide audience, a new breed of grassroots journalists are taking the news into their own hands. Armed with laptops, cell phones, and digital cameras, these readers-turned-reporters are transforming the news from a lecture into a conversation. In We the Media, nationally acclaimed newspaper columnist and blogger Dan Gillmor tells the story of this emerging phenomenon and sheds light on this deep shift in how we make--and consume--the news.
Gillmor shows how anyone can produce the news, using personal blogs, Internet chat groups, email, and a host of other tools. He sends a wake-up call to
newsmakers-politicians, business executives, celebrities-and the marketers and PR flacks who promote them. He explains how to successfully play by the rules of this new era and shift from "control" to "engagement." And he makes a strong case to his fell journalists that, in the face of a plethora of Internet-fueled news vehicles, they must change or become irrelevant.Journalism in the 21st century will be fundamentally different from the Big Media oligarchy that prevails today. We the Media casts light on the future of journalism, and invites us all to be part of it.
Dan Gillmor is founder of Grassroots Media Inc., a project aimed at enabling grassroots journalism and expanding its reach. The company's first launch is Bayosphere.com, a site "of, by, and for the San Francisco Bay Area."
Dan Gillmor is the founder of the Center for Citizen Media, a project to enable and expand reach of grassroots media. From 1994-2004, Gillmor was a columnist at the San Jose Mercury News, Silicon Valley's daily newspaper, and wrote a weblog for SiliconValley.com. He joined the Mercury News after six years with the Detroit Free Press. Before that, he was with the Kansas City Times and several newspapers in Vermont. He has won or shared in several regional and national journalism awards. Before becoming a journalist he played music professionally for seven years.
由於互聯網的出現,大媒體已經失去了對新聞的壟斷。現在,隨著能夠即時向全球觀眾發佈消息,一種新型的草根記者正在將新聞掌握在自己手中。這些從讀者轉變為記者的人,手持筆記型電腦、手機和數位相機,正在將新聞從單向的講授轉變為雙向的對話。在《我們媒體》中,國家知名的報紙專欄作家和部落客丹·吉爾摩(Dan Gillmor)講述了這一新興現象的故事,並闡明了我們製作和消費新聞方式的深刻變化。
丹·吉爾摩是草根媒體公司(Grassroots Media Inc.)的創始人,該項目旨在促進草根新聞業並擴大其影響力。該公司的首個啟動項目是Bayosphere.com,一個「屬於、由和為舊金山灣區」的網站。
丹·吉爾摩是公民媒體中心(Center for Citizen Media)的創始人,該項目旨在促進和擴大草根媒體的影響力。1994年至2004年,吉爾摩是矽谷日報《聖荷西水星報》的專欄作家,並為SiliconValley.com撰寫部落格。在此之前,他在底特律自由報工作了六年,還曾在堪薩斯城時報和佛蒙特州的幾家報紙任職。他曾獲得或共同獲得多個地區和全國新聞獎項。在成為記者之前,他曾專業演奏音樂七年。