X Power Tools

Chris Tyler

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2008-01-29
  • 定價: $1,398
  • 售價: 9.5$1,328
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$1,258
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 272
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596101953
  • ISBN-13: 9780596101954
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)





This book puts you in charge of the most flexible and adaptable graphical interface in the computer industry. The X Window System underlies graphical desktops on Linux and Unix systems, and supports advanced features of modern graphics cards. More people use the X Window System than ever before, but there are few books about X in print. X Power Tools fills that hole with the most practical and up-to-date information available.

Written in O'Reilly's popular Power Tools format, X Power Tools offers dozens of standalone articles, thoroughly cross-referenced, on useful tools and techniques for using X. This unique inside look at X gives Unix/Linux system administrators, owners of self-administered systems, and power users a lot of useful ways to harness the power of this system effectively. This book:

  • Offers a thorough grounding in X configuration and how the system works
  • Provides the complete ins and outs of changing a desktop's behavior, such as fonts, keyboard settings, and remote security
  • Includes articles on how to take advantage of X's "network transparency" -- its ability to display graphical applications on a remote machine
  • Explores intriguing areas such as using multiple monitors, building kiosks, and accessibility
  • Features discussions on X Window innovations and the future of the system

X Power Tools covers configuration and use of X, focusing on Linux but also including notes on other operating systems such as Solaris and FreeBSD. Each article in the book gives you insight into X; the entire book gives you a real grasp on this system and what you can do with it.


Table of Contents


Part I. The X Server

1. Introduction to the X Window System

      1.1 The X Window System

      1.2 The History of X

      1.3 The Renaissance: New X Versus Old X

      1.4 X by Any Other Name

      1.5 Seven Layers of an X-based GUI

      1.6 Where Is the Server?

      1.7 Why Windows Look and Act Differently
      1.8 Toolkits and Desktop Environments

      1.9 The Role of Freedesktop.org

      1.10 Display Hardware

      1.11 Displays, Screens, and Xinerama

      1.12 Display Specifications

      1.13 TCP/IP Ports

      1.14 Local Connection Mechanisms

      1.15 Server Extensions

      1.16 Where to Draw the Line: Kernel Versus User-Space Drivers

2. Starting a Local X Server

      2.1 One Size Doesn't Fit All

      2.2 Virtual Terminals

      2.3 Starting a Raw X Server Manually

      2.4 Using a Display Manager to Start the X Server

      2.5 Enabling or Disabling the Display Manager at Boot Time

      2.6 What Started the Display Manager?

      2.7 Starting Multiple X Servers Using a Display Manager

      2.8 Starting Additional X Servers on Demand Using   a Display Manager

      2.9 Starting an X Server with Clients Only When Needed

      2.10 Switching VTs from the Shell Prompt

      2.11 Starting X Within X

      2.12 No Mouse!

      2.13 Bailing Out: Zapping X

      2.14 Terminating X Automatically

3. Basic X.org Configuration

      3.1 What Is There to Configure?

      3.2 Why Only root Can Configure the X Server

      3.3 Places Your Configuration Could Hide

      3.4 Let the X Server Configure Itself

      3.5 The xorg.conf Configuration File

      3.6 Optional Sections in the xorg.conf Configuration File

      3.7 Configuring the Pointer Device

      3.8 Configuring a Two-Button Mouse

      3.9 Configuring a Mouse with a Scrollwheel

      3.10 Configuring a Synaptics TouchPad

      3.11 Enabling DPMS

      3.12 Configuring Video Card Driver Options

      3.13 LightSteelBlue and Other Color Names

      3.14 Configuring a Monitor's Scan Rates

      3.15 Reading Server Log Files

      3.16 Configuring the Default Depth of a Screen

      3.17 Configuring the Resolution of a Screen

4. Advanced X.org Configuration

      4.1 Multi-Screen Configuration

      4.2 Xinerama Configuration

      4.3 Differences Between Multi-Screen and Xinerama Modes

      4.4 Positioning Screens

      4.5 Overlapping Xinerama

      4.6 Scrolling Virtual Screens and Xinerama

      4.7 Using Multiple Outputs from One Video Card

      4.8 Parallel Pointing Devices

      4.9 Parallel Keyboards

      4.10 Using X with GPM or MOUSED

5. Using the X Server

      5.1 Interacting with the X Server

      5.2 Changing Resolution On-the-Fly

      5.3 Changing the Resolution and the Screen Size Dynamically

      5.4 Using the Middle Mouse Button

      5.5 Using the Clipboard

      5.6 Keyboard Focus

      5.7 Keyboard and Mouse Grabs

Part II. X Clients

6. X Utility Programs

      6.1 The Unused Toolbox

      6.2 Determine the Display Configuration

      6.3 Getting Window Information

      6.4 Viewing Server Settings

      6.5 Control That Bell!

      6.6 Adjusting the Keyboard Repeat Rate

      6.7 Adjusting the Mouse Acceleration

      6.8 Playing with the Lights

      6.9 Killing a Rogue Client

      6.10 Examining Part of the Display in Detail

      6.11 Script a Screen Dump

      6.12 Preventing the Screen from Blanking During Presentations

      6.13 Eye Candy: xscreensaver

      6.14 Redrawing the Screen

7. Running X Clients

      7.1 Running X Clients

      7.2 Background Operation

      7.3 Geometry

      7.4 Split Personality: Running Nongraphical Applications

8. Session Managers, Desktop Environments,            and Window Managers

      8.1 X and Desktop Environments

      8.2 Session Managers

      8.3 Virtual Desktops

      8.4 Starting GNOME

      8.5 Starting KDE

      8.6 Starting Xfce

      8.7 Using a Window Manager Alone

Part III. Colors, Fonts, and Keyboards

9. Color

      9.1 RGB and Other Color Systems

      9.2 Visuals

      9.3 Gamma

      9.4 Color Management Systems

10. Core Fonts: Fonts the Old Way

      10.1 Old Fonts Versus New Fonts

      10.2 Configuring the Font Path

      10.3 Using a Font Server

      10.4 Font Names

      10.5 Installing and Removing Fonts

11. Pango, Xft, Fontconfig, and Render: Fonts            the New Way

      11.1 Client-Side Fonts

      11.2 Adding and Removing Fonts Manually

      11.3 Adding and Removing Fonts Using GNOME

      11.4 Adding and Removing Fonts Using KDE

      11.5 Fontconfig Font Names

      11.6 Fontconfig Utilities

      11.7 Installing the Microsoft Fonts

      11.8 Rendering Options

12. Keyboard Configuration

      12.1 Keyboards and XKB

      12.2 The Location of XKB Files

      12.3 XKB Components

      12.4 Selecting an XKB Keymap Using Rules

      12.5 Using Keyboard Groups

      12.6 Setting the Keymap in the xorg.conf File

      12.7 Setting the Keymap from the Command Line

      12.8 Setting the Keymap Using a Keyboard Configuration File

      12.9 Compiling Keyboard Maps

      12.10 Viewing or Printing a Keyboard Layout

Part IV. Using X Remotely

13. Remote Access

      13.1 Network Transparency

      13.2 Displaying on a Remote Server

      13.3 Enabling Remote Sessions

      13.4 Accessing a Remote Session on a Specific Host

      13.5 Accessing a Remote Session on Any Available Host

      13.6 Accessing a Remote Session from a List of Available Sessions

      13.7 The Three Challenges of Remote Access

      13.8 Host-Based Access Control

      13.9 xauth and Magic Cookies

      13.10 The X Security Extension

      13.11 Low-Bandwidth X (LBX)

      13.12 X Tunneling with SSH

      13.13 Using Public Keys with SSH

      13.14 Using Passphrase Protection of SSH Keys

      13.15 OpenSSH and the SECURITY Extension

14. Using VNC

      14.1 The VNC System

      14.2 So Many VNC Versions!

      14.3 Xvnc Basics

      14.4 The vncserver Script

      14.5 Using the VNC Viewers

      14.6 Using Standing VNC Servers

      14.7 Configuring the Xvnc Web Server

      14.8 Customizing the VNC Java Applet Web Page

      14.9 Starting VNC On Demand Using xinetd

      14.10 Starting VNC On Demand Using inetd

      14.11 Using the Java Applet with On-Demand VNC Servers

      14.12 Accessing VNC Securely Using SSH

      14.13 Embedding an X Application in a Web Page

      14.14 Using KDE and Gnome Remote DesktopAccess Tools

      14.15 Using the VNC Extension to the X.Org Server

      14.16 Using VNC to Share a Presentation

      14.17 Bypassing a Firewall

Part V. Special Configurations

15. Building a Kiosk

      15.1 What Is a Kiosk, and Why Do I Want One?

      15.2 Selecting Kiosk Hardware

      15.3 Configure X for a Kiosk

      15.4 Controlling the Keyboard

      15.5 Controlling the Mouse

      15.6 Starting a Single Fullscreen Application

      15.7 Network Status Monitoring

      15.8 Using xscreensaver to Reset a Kiosk

      15.9 Refining the Kiosk Appearance

      15.10 Putting It All Together: Scripting a Kiosk

      15.11 Booting a Kiosk

      15.12 Creating a Video Wall




這本書讓您掌握電腦行業中最靈活和適應性最強的圖形界面。X Window System 是 Linux 和 Unix 系統上圖形桌面的基礎,並支持現代圖形卡的高級功能。越來越多的人使用 X Window System,但印刷品中關於 X 的書籍很少。《X Power Tools》填補了這一空白,提供了最實用和最新的信息。

《X Power Tools》以 O'Reilly 的熱門 Power Tools 格式撰寫,提供了數十篇獨立的文章,並進行了徹底的交叉引用,介紹了使用 X 的有用工具和技巧。這本獨特的 X 內部觀察書籍為 Unix/Linux 系統管理員、自我管理系統的擁有者和高級用戶提供了許多有效利用這個系統的方法。本書包括以下內容:

- 提供了對 X 配置和系統運作的全面了解
- 提供了更改桌面行為(如字體、鍵盤設置和遠程安全性)的完整指南
- 包括如何利用 X 的“網絡透明性”在遠程機器上顯示圖形應用程序的文章
- 探索了使用多個顯示器、構建信息亭和可訪問性等有趣領域
- 討論了 X Window 的創新和未來發展

《X Power Tools》涵蓋了 X 的配置和使用,重點放在 Linux 上。