QuickTime for Java: A Developer's Notebook

Chris Adamson

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2005-02-01
  • 定價: $990
  • 售價: 9.5$941
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$891
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596008228
  • ISBN-13: 9780596008222
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)





QuickTime Java (QJT) is a terrific multimedia toolkit, but it's also terrifying to the uninitiated. Java developers who need to add audio, video, or interactive media creation and playback to their applications find that QTJ is powerful, but not easy to get into. In fact, when it comes to class-count, QuickTime Java is nearly as large as all of Java 1.1.

Once you learn the entire scope of Apple's QuickTime software, you really appreciate the problem. At its simplest, QuickTime allows Mac and Windows users to play audio and video on their computers. But QuickTime is many things: a file format, an environment for media authoring, and a suite of applications that includes browser plug-ins for viewing media within a web page, a PictureViewer for working with still pictures, QuickTime Streaming Server for delivering streaming media files on the Internet in real time, and QuickTime Broadcaster for delivering live events on the Internet. Among others.

As if that weren't daunting enough, the javadocs on QJT are wildly incomplete, and other books on the topic are long out of date and not well regarded, making progress with QTJ extremely difficult. So what can you do? Our new hands-on guide, QuickTime Java: A Developer's Notebook, not only catches up with this technology, but de-mystifies it.

This practical "all lab, no lecture" book is an informal, code-intensive workbook that offers the first real look at this important software. Like other titles in our Developer's Notebook series, QuickTime Java: A Developer's Notebook is for impatient early adopters who want get up to speed on what they can use right now. It's deliberately light on theory, emphasizing example over explanation and practice over concept, so you can focus on learning by doing.

QuickTime Java: A Developer's Notebook gives you just the functionality you need from QTJ. Even if you come to realize that 95% of the API is irrelevant to you, this book will help you master the 5% that really counts.


Table of Contents:

The Developer's Notebook Series


Chapter 1. Getting Up and Running with QuickTime for Java

     Setting Up QTJ on Windows

     Embedding QuickTime in HTML

     Preflighting a QTJ Installation

     Compiling QTJ Code

     Opening and Closing the QuickTime Session

     Playing an Audio File from the Command Line

Chapter 2. Playing Movies

     Building a Simple Movie Player

     Adding a Controller

     Getting a Movie-Playing JComponent

     Controlling a Movie Programmatically

     Showing a Movie's Current Time

     Listening for Movie State-Changes

     Moving Frame by Frame

     Playing Movies from URLs

     Preventing "Tasking" Problems

Chapter 3. Editing Movies

     Copying and Pasting

     Performing "Low-Level" Edits

     Undoing an Edit

     Undoing and Redoing Multiple Edits

     Saving a Movie to a File

     Flattening a Movie

     Saving a Movie with Dependencies

     Editing Tracks

Chapter 4. Working with Components

     Specifying a Component's Type

     Exporting Movies

     Exporting Movies to Any Installed Format

     Importing and Exporting Graphics

     Discovering All Installed Components

Chapter 5. Working with QuickDraw

     Getting and Saving Picts

     Getting a Pict from a Movie

     Converting a Movie Image to a Java Image

     A Better Movie-to-Java Image Converter

     Drawing with Graphics Primitives

     Getting a Screen Capture

     Matrix-Based Drawing

     Compositing Graphics

Chapter 6. Capture

     Capturing and Previewing Audio

     Selecting Audio Inputs

     Capturing Audio to Disk

     Capturing Video to Disk

     Capturing Audio and Video to the Same File

     Making a Motion Detector

Chapter 7. Audio Media

     Reading Information from MP3 Files

     Reading Information from iTunes AAC Files

     Providing Basic Audio Controls

     Providing a Level Meter

     Building an Audio Track from Raw Samples

Chapter 8. Video Media

     Combining Video Tracks

     Overlaying Video Tracks

     Building a Video Track from Raw Samples

Chapter 9. Miscellaneous Media

     Creating Captions with Text Media

     Creating Links with HREF Tracks

     Adding Timecodes

     Creating Zero-Source Effects

     Creating One-Source Effects (Filters)

     Creating Two-Source Effects (Transitions)



QuickTime Java(QJT)是一個很棒的多媒體工具包,但對於未經培訓的人來說也是令人恐懼的。需要在其應用程序中添加音頻、視頻或互動媒體創建和播放的Java開發人員發現,QTJ功能強大,但不容易上手。事實上,就類計數而言,QuickTime Java幾乎和Java 1.1一樣大。一旦你了解了Apple的QuickTime軟件的全部範圍,你就會真正意識到這個問題的重要性。簡單來說,QuickTime允許Mac和Windows用戶在他們的計算機上播放音頻和視頻。但QuickTime是很多東西:一種文件格式,一個媒體創作環境,以及一套應用程序,其中包括用於在網頁中查看媒體的瀏覽器插件,用於處理靜態圖片的PictureViewer,用於在互聯網上實時傳送流媒體文件的QuickTime Streaming Server,以及用於在互聯網上傳送實時事件的QuickTime Broadcaster,等等。如果這還不夠令人生畏,QJT的javadocs非常不完整,而且其他關於這個主題的書籍早已過時且不受好評,這使得學習QTJ變得非常困難。那麼你能做什麼呢?我們的新手實踐指南《QuickTime Java:開發者筆記本》不僅追趕這項技術,還將其解密。這本實用的“全實驗室,無講座”書籍是一本非正式的、代碼密集的工作手冊,首次真正介紹了這個重要的軟件。與我們的開發者筆記本系列中的其他標題一樣,《QuickTime Java:開發者筆記本》適用於急於採用新技術的早期採用者,他們希望迅速掌握目前可用的技術。它故意輕薄理論,強調示例而不是解釋,實踐而不是概念,讓您可以專注於通過實踐學習。《QuickTime Java:開發者筆記本》為您提供了QTJ所需的功能。即使您意識到95%的API對您來說無關緊要,這本書也將幫助您掌握真正重要的5%。

第1章:使用QuickTime for Java快速入門
- 在Windows上設置QTJ
- 在HTML中嵌入QuickTime
- 預先檢查QTJ安裝
- 編譯QTJ代碼
- 打開和關閉QuickTime會話
- 從命令行播放音頻文件

- 構建簡單的電影播放器
- 添加控制器
- 獲取正在播放的電影JComponent
- 以編程方式控制電影
- 顯示電影的當前時間
- 監聽電影狀態變化
- 逐幀移動
- 從URL播放電影
- 避免“任務”問題

- 複製和粘貼
- 執行“低級”編輯
- 撤消編輯
- 撤消和重做多個編輯