Using Samba, 3/e (Paperback)

Gerald Carter, Jay Ts, Robert Eckstein

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2007-02-27
  • 定價: $1,488
  • 售價: 9.5$1,414
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$1,339
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 450
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596007698
  • ISBN-13: 9780596007690
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)





This book is the comprehensive guide to Samba administration, officially adopted by the Samba Team. Wondering how to integrate Samba's authentication with that of a Windows domain? How to get Samba to serve Microsoft Dfs shares? How to share files on Mac OS X? These and a dozen other issues of interest to system administrators are covered. A whole chapter is dedicated to troubleshooting!

The range of this book knows few bounds. Using Samba takes you from basic installation and configuration -- on both the client and server side, for a wide range of systems -- to subtle details of security, cross-platform compatibility, and resource discovery that make the difference between whether users see the folder they expect or a cryptic error message.

The current edition covers such advanced 3.x features as:
  • Integration with Active Directory and OpenLDAP
  • Migrating from Windows NT 4.0 domains to Samba
  • Delegating administrative tasks to non-root users
  • Central printer management
  • Advanced file serving features, such as making use of Virtual File System (VFS) plugins.

Samba is a cross-platform triumph: robust, flexible and fast, it turns a Unix or Linux system into a file and print server for Microsoft Windows network clients. This book will help you make your file and print sharing as powerful and efficient as possible. The authors delve into the internals of the Windows activities and protocols to an unprecedented degree, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each feature in Windows domains and in Samba itself.

Whether you're playing on your personal computer or an enterprise network, on one note or a full three-octave range, Using Samba will give you an efficient and secure server.


Table of Contents


1. An Introduction to Samba

     What Is Samba?

     What Can Samba Do for Me?

     The Common Internet File System

     Connecting to a CIFS File Share


     Authentication: Peer-to-Peer Versus Domains

     What's in Samba 3.0?

     Future Research in Samba 4.0

     What Can Samba Do?

     An Overview of the Samba Distribution

     How Can I Get Samba?

2. Installing Samba on a Unix System

     Binary Packages

     Compiling from Source

     Compiling and Installing Samba

     Enabling the Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT)

     A Basic Samba Configuration File

     Firewall Configuration

     Starting the Samba Daemons

3. Configuring Windows Clients

     Windows Networking Concepts

     Windows Setup

4. The Samba Configuration File

     Basic Syntax and Rules

     Special Sections

     Configuration File Options

     Basic Server Configuration

     Disk Share Configuration

     Networking Options with Samba

     Virtual Servers

     Logging Configuration Options

5. Accounts, Authentication, and Authorization

     Security Modes

     User Management

     Group Mapping

     User Privilege Management

     Controlling Authorization for File Shares

6. Advanced Disk Shares

     Special Share Names

     Filesystem Differences

     Access Control Lists

     Microsoft Distributed File Systems

     Virtual File Systems

     Executing Server Scripts

7. Printing

     Print Shares

     A Usable Print Share

     Samba and CUPS

     The [printers] Service

     Enabling SMB Printer Sharing in OS X

     Creating a PDF Printer

     Managing Windows Print Drivers

     Printers and Security

     Disabling Point and Print

     Printing, Queue Lists, and tdb Files

     Printing to Windows Printers

     Printing Parameters

8. Name Resolution and Network Browsing

     Name Resolution

     Network Browsing

9. Domain Controllers

     Samba Domains: NT 4.0 or Active Directory?

     Configuring a Samba PDC

     Configuring a Samba BDC

     passdb Recommendations

     Migrating an NT 4.0 Domain to Samba

     Domain Trusts

     Remote Server Management

10. Domain Member Servers

     Joining a Domain

     Domain and ADS Security Modes

     Matching Domain Users to Local Accounts


     Additional Winbind Features

11. Unix Clients

     The Linux CIFS Filesystem

     FreeBSD's smbfs

     Mac OS X


     Remote Administration with net

12. Troubleshooting Samba

     The Tool Box

     Samba Logs

     Unix Utilities

     The Fault Tree

     Troubleshooting Browsing

     Troubleshooting Name Services

     Troubleshooting Network Addresses

     Troubleshooting NetBIOS Names

     Extra Resources

A. Summary of Samba Daemons and Commands

B. Downloading Samba with Subversion

C. Configure Options




這本書是由Samba團隊正式採用的Samba管理全面指南。想知道如何將Samba的身份驗證與Windows域集成嗎?如何讓Samba提供Microsoft Dfs共享?如何在Mac OS X上共享文件?這些以及其他幾個系統管理員感興趣的問題都有涉及。整個章節都專門介紹疑難排解!

- 與Active Directory和OpenLDAP集成
- 從Windows NT 4.0域遷移至Samba
- 將管理任務委派給非root用戶
- 中央打印機管理
- 高級文件服務功能,例如利用虛擬文件系統(VFS)插件。

Samba是一個跨平台的成功之作:強大、靈活和快速,它將Unix或Linux系統轉變為Microsoft Windows網絡客戶端的文件和打印服務器。本書將幫助您使文件和打印共享變得更加強大和高效。作者深入探討了Windows活動和協議的內部細節,對Windows域和Samba本身的每個功能的優點和缺點進行了前所未有的解釋。



1. Samba簡介
- 什麼是Samba?
- Samba對我有什麼用處?
- 共享Internet文件系統
- 連接到CIFS文件共享
- 瀏覽
- 身份驗證:點對點對比域
- Samba 3.0中的內容
- Samba 4.0中的未來研究
- Samba能做什麼?
- Samba發行版概述
- 如何獲取Samba?

2. 在Unix系統上安裝Samba
- 二進制包
- 從源代碼編譯
- 編譯和安裝Samba
- 啟用Samba Web管理工具(SWAT)
- 基本Samba配置文件
- 防火牆配置
- 啟動Samba守護進程

3. 配置Windows客戶端
- Windows網絡概念
- Windows設置

4. Samba配置文件
- 基本語法和規則
- 特殊部分