Even Grues Get Full: User Friendly the Comic Strip (Paperback)

Illiad, JD Frazer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2003-09-16
  • 定價: $390
  • 售價: 2.5$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 144
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596005660
  • ISBN-13: 9780596005665
  • 相關分類: Computer-networks
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Even Grues Get Full is the fourth collection of the hit geek comic strip User Friendly by J.D. "Illiad" Frazer. Written with fresh, dry humor and an amusing vividness that brings the cast of characters to life, the comic strip is loved and read by millions around the world, from professional technologists to eight-year old wunderkinds, from 83-year old grandmothers who miss their Commodore 64s to patient spouses of born programmers.

The comic strip is packed with references to geek interests, from obscure movies to old computer games, yet non-geeks are able to enjoy the story lines and character quirks, from Erwin's acerbic humor to Miranda's constant angst; from the Smiling Man's Machiavellian machinations to A.J.'s dysfunctional naïveté. At the center of this lies Dust Puppy, the strip's gentle-hearted mascot and the character who has endeared himself to readers everywhere.

In this book, join the antics of the characters once again as Stef contends with an enormous Tequila worm, Mike is tormented by Mr. Cola, and the techs move shop into an abandoned missile silo! Also included in this collection are the 9/11 tribute cartoons that were widely praised for their clear and simple pathos.

Called "Dilbert for Geeks" by Wired magazine and considered to be one of the few consistently intelligent and socially aware cartoons on the 'Net, User Friendly remains one of the most popular destinations for geeks and non-geeks alike. This book is a sure hit with anyone who works with computers or for anyone who lives with someone who works with computers!


《即使是可怕的怪物也會飽足》是J.D. 'Illiad' Frazer所創作的熱門科技迷漫畫系列《User Friendly》的第四本集。這本書以新鮮、幽默且生動有趣的筆觸,將角色們活靈活現地呈現在讀者面前,深受全球數百萬名讀者的喜愛和閱讀,從專業技術人員到八歲的天才兒童,從懷念Commodore 64的83歲祖母到天生程式設計師的耐心配偶,各種人群都對這部漫畫情有獨鍾。

這部漫畫充滿了對科技迷的引用,從冷門電影到舊電腦遊戲,然而非科技迷也能享受故事情節和角色的怪癖,從Erwin的尖刻幽默到Miranda的持續焦慮,從微笑男子的陰謀心機到A.J.的功能失調的天真。而在這一切的中心,是這部漫畫的溫柔心地吉祥物Dust Puppy,他深受讀者的喜愛。

在這本書中,讓我們再次加入角色們的滑稽行為,看Stef如何應對一條巨大的龍蝦酒蟲,Mike如何被Mr. Cola所困擾,以及技術人員們如何搬遷到一個廢棄的導彈發射井!此外,這本集還包括了受到廣泛讚譽的9/11紀念漫畫,以其清晰而簡單的悲劇感動了人心。

《User Friendly》被《Wired》雜誌譽為“科技迷的迪爾伯特”,並被認為是網絡上少數持續智慧和社會意識的漫畫之一,無論是科技迷還是非科技迷,都將其視為最受歡迎的目的地之一。這本書對於任何與電腦相關的人,或者與電腦工作者共同生活的人來說,都是一個確定的熱門選擇!