Running Mac OS X Panther (Paperback)

James Duncan Davidson

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2003-12-01
  • 定價: $1,400
  • 售價: 1.4$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 306
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596005008
  • ISBN-13: 9780596005009
  • 相關分類: MAC OS 蘋果電腦
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=3)






Apple® has shown no mercy to the Macintosh® power user---that dedicated individual who knows their Mac® inside and out: what makes it tick, and what makes it tick better. In the rapid evolution of Mac OS® X, there have been three major releases, and each new release challenges the power user to once more stay ahead of the learning curve. Mac OS X Panther is no exception to that rule. With more than 100 new features, including a new Finder, Exposé, FileVault, and an improved BSD Unix core, there's plenty here to master. Fortunately, power users have a secret weapon in Running Mac OS X Panther. This book takes readers deep inside Mac OS X's core, revealing the inner workings of Panther for those who want to get the most out of their system.

Running Mac OS X Panther is the ultimate Swiss Army Knife™ for power users who want to customize, tweak, and generally rev up their Mac. The easy-to-follow format is organized into three primary parts:

  • Getting Started introduces you to Mac OS X--where it came from, how it's put together, and how it works
  • Administration Essentials gives you the tools you need to examine how your system is running and adjust all the knobs behind its operation
  • Networking and Network Services covers all the ways Mac OS X interfaces with the world around it, including wireless and spontaneous networking

Developer Tools, including Xcode, for Mac OS X are discussed throughout the book where needed to accomplish the task at hand. The appendices that follow include handy quick reference materials for things such as Open Firmware.

Written for readers who are inquisitive and confident enough to dig into their Macintosh system, Running Mac OS X Panther doesn't waste time talking about silly Finder tips or glossing over the messier details. This book dives right in and explains how your Mac works. You may not be a Mac guru when you start this book, but once you've read it, you'll be well on your way.  




蘋果公司對於Macintosh的高級使用者毫不留情,這些熱愛Mac的人對於Mac的內外部結構非常熟悉,知道它的運作原理以及如何更好地運作。在Mac OS X的快速演進中,已經有三個主要版本,每個新版本都要求高級使用者再次跟上學習曲線。Mac OS X Panther也不例外。這個版本有超過100個新功能,包括新的Finder、Exposé、FileVault和改進的BSD Unix核心,有很多需要掌握的地方。幸運的是,高級使用者在《Running Mac OS X Panther》這本書中有一個秘密武器。這本書深入探索Mac OS X的核心,揭示了Panther的內部運作,讓那些想要充分利用系統的人深入了解。

《Running Mac OS X Panther》是高級使用者的終極瑞士軍刀,可以自定義、調整和提升Mac的性能。易於理解的格式分為三個主要部分:

  • 入門介紹Mac OS X——它的來源、組成和運作原理

  • 管理必備工具,讓您檢查系統運行狀況並調整其操作

  • 網絡和網絡服務,涵蓋Mac OS X與周圍世界的各種接口,包括無線和即時網絡

開發工具,包括Mac OS X的Xcode,根據需要在整本書中進行討論以完成手頭的任務。附錄中還包括一些方便的快速參考資料,例如Open Firmware。

《Running Mac OS X Panther》針對那些好奇且有信心深入研究Macintosh系統的讀者,不浪費時間談論愚蠢的Finder技巧或忽略較為複雜的細節。這本書直接深入解釋了Mac的運作原理。您可能在閱讀本書之前不是Mac大師,但閱讀完後,您將會有很大的進步。